The Fox

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I wrote this today, actually (April 2, 2024, Tuesday) and posted it on Facebook and apparently that means they might own some of it? In reality it's in my name.

P.S.: I'm sorry about the lack of breaks in the last one... I wrote it out on paper as one big paragraph. That's gonna happen a lot btw.


A cascade of wisteria petals fluttered down from above, an enchanting mixture of purples, blues, whites, and pinks. They settled around a fox whose nose was buried in its fluffy tail. Its golden pelt, sleek and orderly, appeared to glow in the fading light provided by the setting sun, granting it a heavenly image, if only for a short period of time. As the sun set, the fox was shone on by tender moonlight, and to this it drifted off to sleep, as it had many nights prior.


Few petals of wisteria moved sluggishly towards the dirt, hard with the reign of winter. The great, twisted tree was close to barren, the only true sign of life being a fox laying on its side at the roots. Breath came shallow, swift, from the unfortunate creature's muzzle. A once luxurious coat of fur was now matted, slick with blood from wounds still seeping and knobs of bone stuck out through the mess. Cold wind whipped through the area as dusk occurred, chilling the fox even before it met its fate. Sunlight gradually faded below Japan's mountaintops. Accompanying it was the life force of the fox, its injured, wizened body growing still, suffering no more. Up rose the full moon, the illumination it brought freeing a soul that has seen much during its time roaming the earth, hunting, breeding, living to its fullest potential. Now it leaps amongst the stars, its kin joining it in step. Everlasting peace it shall experience, until the gods summon it to their celestial palace and restore it, giving it life renewed.

So that's all for the first one. More to come soon. I hope you enjoyed it, as sad as it may be.

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