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Written April 2, 2024, Tuesday. There are no warnings for this one, unless you're afraid of decent men.


This man is a CEO, attending important meetings daily, asking his secretary to grab him a double-double from Tim Horton's while he looks through paperwork and signs on dotted lines. A strict leader he is, unafraid to put others in their place or to make enemies. Contenders and employees alike fear him, only a handful daring enough to chat casually to him on their own accord or counter his ideas with their own.


He values every employee under his leadership, loves when they talk to him and challenge him. The man sees them as the children he never managed to have. Sure, his love is tough, but only because he wants to push their limits and explore their potential. He puts people in their places only because he views the disrespectful as unimportant and wants to give them the shove they need to change that. On the weekends he volunteers at the animal shelter and donates money to homeless shelters. He sells what he paints and donates the money to charities. Once he helped a woman give birth in a stuck elevator. With all these good deeds, he could be viewed as a friendly hero by all, but keeps the accomplishments to himself. This man prefers to be kind in secret.

I quite like this one, personally, probably because this is one of my favourite character types. I hope you guys enjoyed as much as I did.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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