The Celebrity

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Also written on April 2, 2024, Tuesday. Hope you enjoy.
TW: mentions of abuse, alcohol, bad childhood stuff.


On the red carpet she is a star as bright as the sun itself, her glorious outfits immaculate, her confidence unmatched, movements fluid and graceful. A voice powerful yet gentle, touch delicate though holding multitudes of strength behind it rarely used, a mind wizened and nurturing. So many envy her effortless strength, beauty, courage, awed by her luck to have been born such a way. Each compliment the woman allows to teach her ears and enter her mind, but remains humble, returning words of gratitude and likeness. An evil soul she is not, wishing only to bring happiness unto others.


Strength is earned through hardship, not gifted. After her work, within the shadows, away from the limelight, this woman is no longer a celebrity, but instead a single mother attempting to raise her children better than what she received during her childhood. Giving firm orders without raising her voice, talking problems out with her son and daughter instead of hitting them or grounding them, staying away from alcohol so as to not turn into a blind monster who lashes out at the slightest provocation, spending as much time with them as she can with her busy schedule, buying them what they need without grumbling or discrimination. What she wants for them is the opposite of her childhood, where she experienced abuse, neglect, shaming, screaming, zero efforts made to understand or bond with her, cruelty. When her children grow to be teenagers, the woman will protect them, learn what they're like, encourage them to try their best. She wants them not to experience sexism, discouraging comments, lack of interest in their personal lives, but she will govern them space when required. Into their adulthood and her senior years she'll continue these things, though in a relaxed manner, and provide financial support when necessary. In turn the woman asks for nothing but her children's happiness and success, whatever that may look like. A strong celebrity is truly a mother who wants the best for her kids. The only question is: will her kids become strong like her if they're so protected? After all, strength is earned through hardship, not gifted.

Second story done. What do you guys think of this collection so far? Tell me your opinions in the comments if you feel comfortable doing so. If not, I still appreciate that you're reading this. Thank you all so much.

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