My new job

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My job at the cafe was nice and cozy it had four cats there and if you were lucky you would see one in the window judging you as you walk in.

The inside looked as cute as the outside with posters of cats on the walls a bookshelf with all kinds of cute cats on the front of the books and my favourite the seating there were all kinds of chairs there like pink tall chairs by the counter and many tables with princess like pink and white chairs there were even bean bags which of course were pink.

Pink was never my kind of colour but seeing this place made me a little more fond of the colour.

I even almost felt excited to go to work every morning well almost.

My first day of work was exciting but also kind of strange. I woke up to a soft light from my window it was sunny? "Huh that's weird" it was the middle of October and it hadn't been sunny for a couple of weeks.

"Eh whatever" it was pretty nice nonetheless i actually kinda missed those nice sunny October days.

Rolling over to look over to my bedside struggling to read what my clock says "hm oh it's only 8:15" it's been a while since I've actually slept the whole night.

"I should probably go make breakfast"

rolling out of bed and thumping on my floor

"aw! bad idea! bad idea!"

Getting up and checking to see if I was hurt and somehow I didn't even have a scratch or a bronze

"wow I'm invisible!"

I wasn't invisible my bed was just low to the ground and I was just a dramatic kind of girl.

Running into my kitchen I suddenly craved "Pancakes?"

I wasn't the best at making pancakes but my sister did teach me and I only ever burnt 4 pancakes that day which was pretty good for me.

Surprisingly I didn't burn any of the pancakes

"wow these actually look decent good job me!" I said patting myself on the back.

I gulped them down in about 2 minutes

"was I really that hungry?"

Just then my alarm went off


Time for my first day of work and I wasn't even dressed what a great start.

Rushing back to my room and getting my uniform on before checking myself out in the mirror

"hm yep still smexy"

Once I was dressed I ran through the corridor making sure I didn't forget to grab my bag and meh keys before rushing out of my apartment and locking my door. As soon as my door was locked I ran downstairs not stopping for a single second.

My neighbours were judging me as I ran down the stairs and finally starting to see the entrance.

It felt like hours till I finally made it to the entrance of the building and running out the doors.

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