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My alarm?

I open my eyes confused, was that just a dream?

I run to my wardrobe and when I look inside... no one's there? It really was just a dream

Looking at my alarm clock it was 12:15

Good thing I don't have work today, even though I don't have any reason to leave my apartment but I'm not just going to stay there after having that dream

I quickly picked out an outfit

I looked pretty cute, I was wearing a baggy short sleeved top with leggings and shorts on top

I put on my white trainers then I hurriedly picked up my keys and my flip phone I was about to go out the door when I looked at moon I didn't want her to be by herself I don't know how much of what happened was a dream the creepy man looked to real to just be a dream, so without a second thought I grabbed my cat bag and put moon inside. She knew how to stay by my side on a leash but since she didn't like the apartment building I thought she would feel better in the bag than she would on a leash.

Closing my door and locking it behind me. I felt a tap on my shoulder and jumped a bit before spinning around to see... Xavier... he could see my discomfort and said

"hey Rim I know we haven't talked since the incident um how's things been?"

I just looked at him with disgust how's things been? He knows what happened back at Akii Town and he asks that?

"Things are going ok..."

Xavier always could see right through me he's been my friend since middle school, he's actually how I met her... all three of us used to hang out and watch horror movies together before everything got complicated

"Listen I know things have been... hard but just know that if you ever need to talk to anyone I will always be right here"

Xavier looked worried waiting for me to respond

"Thank you, it means a lot" I tried to smile but I think he could tell I was still a bit shaken up from everything that happened

"No worries, maybe we could hang out sometime you know like we used to?"

"...sure you still have my number right?"

Xavier looked pretty happy by my response "Yep! well I'll let you go on! Text you later Ri!" Xavier pulled his signature big smile like he just won the lottery before skipping off. He then fell with a thump before scurrying to his feet again and yelling "I'm ok!" And running off

Xavier really hasn't changed he's still his same energetic self I thought trying to hold back a laugh before walking down the hall to the elevator I could take the stairs but I can't be bothered to walk the 4 flights of stairs.

Finally walking out of the building I started walking down the small pavements when I felt like someone was watching me again? But when I turned around I saw no one again ugh whatever

I kept walking till I saw someone watching me in a bush before going completely into the bush

I stared walking to the bush but when I got there no one was there just a Polaroid photo of... me? But it didn't look like it was just taken it looks like me at the cafe... what?

I began to freak out and started running back the way I came that person... who were they? What did they want? Why were they watching me?... all kinds of thoughts started to spiral in my head all at once. Until I finally reached my apartment... but something was wrong my window looked broken?!

I made sure no one was following me before running up to my apartment hoping nothing was wrong but when I opened the door to my apartment I saw... the old man from last night but he was way taller than I thought he looked really stretched out with his back hunched I was starting to walk back in pure shock when he quickly looked at me with a big grin plastered on his face... he slowly put his finger over his mouth telling me to shush before jumping out the window causing a bigger hole in MY window!!


Looking back at the glass I saw... another picture but not of me... it was a picture of Xavier eating popcorn and me on Alice's lap with Alice's arms rapped around me her head resting on top of mine. It looked like we were watching nightmare on elm street I remember this specific day we were at Xaviers house at the time I remember him saying something like "we're in my house so we'll be watching nightmare on elm street the greatest horror movie of all time!" He would always try to get us to watch it whenever we didn't know what to watch... but this happened months ago so how did someone get this... it looked like it was taken in the kitchen... were we being watched?...

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