The sun before the storm

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As I was looking at the picture I felt warm tears drip down my face

All these happy moments with Xavier and... Alice...

She meant everything to me why would she kill herself she... wait...

No... no she couldn't have killed herself the evidence may have been there but... i-it just doesn't make sense!

She was happy she loved spending time with us... we were the three musketeers the big three... we were so happy... she didn't she couldn't have!

Why has it taken me this long to actually see she... she didn't... but I-if she really didn't... then... was she killed? D-did someone kill her? It makes more sense... so much more sense... I have t-to tell Xavier... he's known Alice for so much longer than me, he should know at least something!

Getting my phone from out of my pocket I open it and start to dial his number, thank god I made an effort to memorize it

*ring... ring... ring... beep*



"Oh heya Ri! What's up girlypop?"

"Can we talk?"

"Aren't we already talking though?"

"I mean can we talk in person... alone?"

"Hmm sure! I'm not doing anything right now!"

"Great, meet me by the cafe!"

"Um what cafe?"

"Oh right, I work at this cute cat cafe, we can chat there"

After I said that I moved the phone further away from my ear, Xavier loved to squeal like a teenage girl when he was happy or excited

"YOU WORK IN A CAT CAFE?! OMG Alice would be so so jealous right now!"

"... yeah... she really would have... it's near the Cow book cafe"

"Omg I love that place! They have the best milkshakes and the best book in the world ever the banana man eats his children book!"

"You love some really weird books, anyways I'll meet you there in 15 minutes?"

"Hey! It's the best book! Ugh but alright I'll see you there..."

I was about to hang up when Xavier said

Xavier - "how about we have a bet? Whoever can get there first wins!"

Rim - "alright sure, you're so going lose!"

Xavier - "I'm not gonna lose to you sweetheart!"

Rim - "Ha we'll see about that"

I say hanging up, making sure to lock my door and seeing if Moons ok before sprinting down the stairs

I see Xavier behind me trying his best to not stumble over his long ass spaghetti legs

We kept trying to push the other behind us, I managed to get to the elevator first and started frantically pushing the button to close the doors on Xavier

He looked pissed before the doors closed right on his dumb ass face, the elevator doors opened and I saw Xavier running down the stairs really fast, damn I haven't seen Xavier run that fast since he chased down the ice cream truck and almost getting ran over by the driver

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