Camping (Price)

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Thursday 14:34.

After you finished your shift at work, you went back to your cozy and beautiful apartment that you shared with your Captain on duty. Why? Because after you got robbed and almost killed in your last place to stay, the team decided it wasn't the best idea to let you alone anytime soon, and as the Captain, Jhon Price, which everyone referred to as just Price, took charge and almost custody of you.

"You are 14 minutes late, y/n. What took you so long." Was the first thing you heard the moment you stepped into his apartment.

"I'm sorry, briefing for the next training session after I was done." You explained.

Living with him wasn't the easiest, he was the strict version of an average parent. You weren't allowed to go out after 8, had to eat your 3 meals a day on time (he made sure you did), even clean your teeth was of his concern as far as you lived under his roof.

It has it's benefits too. You got to eat every meal, you had a good sleep schedule and had someone constantly caring and trying to protect you. Like a parent.

"That's no excuse to be late 14 minutes. You get out at 1415, you 1420 have to be here. Don't make me preocuppate more than what I should." He said back sternly.

"Sorry..." You said in a murmur, taking off your coat and placing it on a chair.

He shaked his head in disbelief, going back to the kitchen where he had been preparing a light lunch, which was quite uncommon in the middle of the week.

"What are you cooking?" You asked, walking into the kitchen to take a peek on what he was making.


You sighed, leaning on the kitchen counter as he kept prepping things in silence after his obvious answer.

"Just...'food', really?" With a scuff, you looked around the kitchen counter, a lot of different ziploc bags with dry ingredients, wet ingredients, some cans, veggies, bread and water.

"What's this for?"

"We are going camping." Price said calmly, placing in a ziploc bag, perfectly cut carrots. Some of them were cut in small discs, cubes, bite sized sticks or shredded.

"Camping? What for?" Your words came out with an amused and almost harsh tone.

"To camp! For fucks sake, y/n!" He said even rougher back at you, placing the knife down on the cutting board with a frown on his face.

"Get your things packed, we are going out for a few days. Probably until Sunday so pack the necessary." He sighed, calming down almost immediately. He took back the knife in his right hand, cutting a piece of steak in small cubes.

You didn't argue further, looking at his hands as he cut the meat. Placing his left hand on the piece of meat, spreading it to tense the muscles on it before sliding the knife that was on his right hand, making a clean and smooth cut. Then he spread the cut he made open with his thumb and index with middle finger, cutting in the other direction.

You got lost for a second, staring a little too much at his hands and fingers. Price obviously took notice and as you were lost in thought, he leaned closer, whispering right next to your ear, almost on purpose. "Go pack."

You jumped a little, nodding and rapidly going to the room you shared to get your things packed. You couldn't quite remember how many days were you going? Thursday...Friday? Saturday and Sunday. 4 days. 4 days so 4 pairs of underwear, two bras, 4 t-shirts, 2 sweatshirts, 2 pants and pajamas.

4 pair of socks...a pair of shoes...did you forget anything?

You walked back to the kitchen, Price was now cutting a piece of salmon. "Uhm, Price? Do I need to bring my toothbrush?"

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