A bad move (Ghost)

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You woke up by a harsh slap across your face. It stung enough to make you try to jump off wherever you were sat on, or stood. You didn't have a clue in what position you were in.

"Wake your ass up." Someone muttered, hitting you again straight on your left side of the face. You slowly, almost in a sleepy pace, tried to open your eyes for more than a few seconds, everything around was fuzzy and cloudy.

You were hit across the face a third time, this time, it was cold. Hard and cold.

You reacted the moment your mouth spilled out a mixture of saliva and blood from the past hits. You gagged, tilting your head down to look at your feet. You were strapped against a chair, ankles well secured with metal chains.

Your thighs tightly secured as well to the chair and your shoulders were chained against a small tube of metal that went across the wall of the room.

As your shirt and pants got stained and wet with the fluids you just vomited, you regained consciousness.

You tried to look up, a harsh hand pressed firmly on the back of your neck, pushing your face to keep it facing downwards to your legs. It hurt, you were scared. It felt as if you were about to be torn apart from the neck down.

"Stay down there." Someone threatened, you didn't dare to try and look up. You were in no position to try and go against what you were told. You couldn't even remember how you got here or who was with you in the room, if it was even a room.

You stayed in silence, feeling dizzy and with a really bad urge to vomit again. It didn't took long enough, maybe just a few seconds as you vomited again, this time, it was just saliva and gastric juice. It burned and you felt even more weaker, your eyes slowly drifting shut.

You were hit again on the face, another harsh slap. "You faint away and you are dead." You heard the voice threatening again.

Damn, I'm dead. You thought. Years of experience and knowledge in the military for...wherever is happening and get you murdered.

You refused to die this way, you wouldn't let yourself die without nobody knowing. You regained a little bit of consciousness, looking around the room. It was an empty room, had a few boxes here and there, an extra chair and a small table.

"What are you looking at?" The voice asked. You didn't have the energy to answer.

"What are you looking at?!" The same hand that had you grabbed on the neck, pulled your hair back, making you look up for the first time since you woke up.

You couldn't make what the person looked like, it had a type of mask and dark clothes. The grip on you tightening with each past second, it hurt.

Your voice didn't come out, you couldn't even mutter a sound, and tears dripped down your face. You felt like God left your side, left you desperate for help. Desperate for a salvation to come your way and wake you up from this nightmare. But it was your reality.

"Why are you crying, y/n?" The voice asked, you could hear the small tint of pride or almost happiness.

"C'mon...use your words..." the voice murmured.

You tried to speak, but the only thing that came out of your mouth were whimpers and sobs.

The hand let go of your hair, the person stepping back in silence.

You gasped for air, trying to calm yourself down from all the crying. You couldn't stop, and worse, you couldn't understand what or why this was happening.

After about 20 minutes of you panicking, you managed to calm down a little bit. Your breathing was heavy, and you could barely see around you.

After 5 more minutes, the man sat down on the other chair, looking at you in complete silence. Almost as if waiting for you to go quiet. Or faint.

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