17: Forgiveness

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It's the beginning of summer and school is out. well except for Tiffany the teen girl has to attend summer school, but the rest of the Walking kids get to stay home and do whatever. So, the Walking family are sadly not going anywhere this Summer, but Jonah and Faith don't mind.

Ever since Ashley, Damon, and Veronica moved next door the twins been hanging out with them. Jonah has been hanging out a lot with Damon and Samuel while Faith been catching up with Ashley and the two girls try to include Veronica.

But the red head doesn't seem to want to engage in conversation with them, but Faith won't stop trying to become friends with her.

"Noah is taking Jonah, Samuel and I to a restaurant."

"What restaurant?" Ashley questioned.

Faith shrugged, "It's a surprised he told us." An idea popped up in a Faith's head, "If you want, I can ask him if it's okay for a three of you to come with us."

Ashley glanced at Veronica and then back at her friend, "We'll have to get permission from dad and mom." 

Veronica eyes snapped up at her Ashley not because she called their adopted parents dad and mom, Ashley been dreaming to have parents to call dad and mom. No, her eyes snapped up at her because she didn't agree to anything.

"I didn't agree to anything, Ashley." Veronica said staring at the elven year old.

Ashley gave the red head a look and put on a sweet smile, "It'll be fun." 

Faith looked back and forth between Ashley and Veronica she can feel the tension build in the bedroom as the younger girl and older stare at each other.

She let out a nervous giggle, "Jonah and I would love for all three of you to come if you want." She turned her fully to Veronica, "Veronica if you don't want to come, you don't have to, but I'll love for you to be there." She grinned. "Okay, let get back to the board game, Ashley it's your turn to the roll the dice."

"Oh." Ashley said like she forgot what they were doing and both girls giggled. Veronica sat there frozen as the girls in front of her laugh and enjoyed the game. Veronica is shocked at how sweet and forgiving Faith is, it made the guilt in her stomach sink even more.

"I'm sorry." It came out in a quiet whisper, but that whisper got the two girls attention and they turned their head toward Veronica who has tears rolling down her face.

They were caught off guard why is she crying they wondered.

Faith wasn't sure what to do but the only thing that came to mind is to give her a hug. "What's wrong." Faith asked while trying to comfort the sobbing teen girl.

"I'm sorry for bullying you, Faith. I was so horrible and mean to you for no reason and I understand that bullying is never right." Veronica sobbed into Faith's shoulder it was like she got hit by a brick of realization.

A realization that told her how messed she's been to the twins mainly Faith and then how she treated her adopted father after he so kindly took her in.

"What's wrong with me?" Her voice cracked.

Faith didn't say anything for a few seconds, "Nothing wrongs with you, Veronica. Yes, what you did was wrong, and you need to repent but what you are dealing with is spiritual warfare and your soul is at stake every day. Those horrible thoughts you might be having are not you, don't listen to them and don't act on them." Faith eyes are now teary, and she wiped them not letting go of Veronica.

Veronica didn't say anything she just listened at this point she has no more tears to cry.

"We're all dealing with spiritual warfare and our souls are at stake everyday. You're not the only one a lot of people including me deal with bad thoughts, intrusive thoughts. I don't listen to them instead I pray against them and only pay attention and listen to the good thoughts and try listen to what the Holy spirit is telling me."

Ashley watched the two girls with a smile on her face and paid attention to what Faith is saying.

"Listen for God's voice." She said before pulling away from Veronica.

Veronica smiled and thanked Faith, the three girls happily returned to their board game.

Thirty minutes passed.



"Do you forgive me?"

"Veronica, I forgave you a long time ago."


"Because you're only hurting yourself if have unforgiveness in your heart."

Veronica nodded at the girl's words and then smiled, "Can you pray for me? I'll need help in forgiving myself." The red head girl sincerely asked, with hope filled eyes.

Faith grinned, "Of course I'll pray for you." Little does Veronica know Faith's been praying for her since the first day the two met when they were younger.

Ashley jumped in, "I'll pray too!"

Veronica and Faith laughed, "Thank you, the both of you, thank you." Veronica thanked them.

After a while Faith had to go back home and Damon returned and told everyone at dinnertime how his day was, Robert, Sharon, Damon, and Ashley noticed how good of a mood Veronica is in and it made everyone happy.

Hopefully Veronica will learn to forgive herself and her heart will be healed.












Thoughts on Veronica, Ashley and Faith's relationship?


Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your path straight.

Isaiah 55:3 Give ear and come to me; listen, that you may live. I will make an everlasting covenant with you, my faithful love promised to David.

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