New Recruit

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*Mature content ahead*
G!P Natasha x reader, SoftDom!Natasha x Sub!Reader, oral (reader receiving), Natasha being pussy whipped, fingering, praising, Natasha doesn't like reader in the beginning, Natasha being a softie for reader at the end because why not? Attempted humor? I think I'm funny...

Summary- you're the new recruit in the avengers team and while you get along with everyone else, a certain redhead takes a disinterest towards you.

Your pov:

"Okay and this is the living room." Sam concludes his tour of the compound before he hands you a file.
"Steve is supposed to meet with us right now, so he can talk to you about a few things but yeah this is it."
"Hey Sam, Tony wants you in the lab to check on your flying thingy and-."

You turn around and you see the black widow standing right behind you. You fight back from screaming and embarrassing yourself in front of the redhead.
"Who's this?" She asks with a brow raised.
"This is y/n, remember, the new recruit."
"Oh." She glances at you before her attention falls back to the man named Sam.

"Tony. Lab. Now." She ends and walks away from the two of you.
"Did I do something?" You ask Sam and he shrugs his shoulders.
"Nah, Romanoff is always like that, she'll warm up to you eventually." He says and just then Steve walks in.

"Oh, y/n great to see you again." Steve says as he gives you a handshake. You offer a small smile to Steve before Sam walks off leaving you and Steve alone.


It had been about three months since you joined the avengers and you were happy to say that you had a family. Everyone was so welcoming and kind too...Well almost everyone. Natasha and you did not get along at all. Sam was in fact wrong about her eventually warming up to you because it seemed that over the course of the three months you were there, she hated you even more.

You were still clueless as to what you'd done to her but she just did not like you at all. Sure you tried to be nice and do nice things for her but after a while she just got under your skin and eventually the constant bickering between the ex-assassin and yourself began. It annoyed you, her and everyone in the team.

And as if that wasn't enough, Steve had put you as her sparring partner claiming that 'you two have the same set of skills'. What a load of bullshit.
"Come on Steve, can't I be with Kate or Peter even?" You questioned the blonde man and he shook his head.
"What's the matter princess, can't take a challenge?" Natasha teased behind you and you scoffed. Steve shook his head in annoyance.

"See, I can't deal with her every damn time. Put me with someone else. I'll even take Tony and that's saying a lot." You begged and he only shook his head.
"I'm sorry y/n, but what's done is done." You huff and walk out of the office while Natasha trails behind you.
"Why are you following me?" You ask in annoyance and she chuckles.
"I am not following you, don't get your panties twisted." You roll your eyes as you make your way to the kitchen while the redhead stops behind you.

"What are you doing? We're supposed to be sparring right now, so get your ass in the training room now." She scolds you and you ignore her.
"I still have five minutes left before training so please go." She shakes her head while muttering under her breath but thankfully she leaves you alone. God that woman annoyed the hell out of you.

You finished making your smoothie before cleaning up and rushing to the training room. You arrived and placed your stuff on a bench only to find the redhead staring at you with a disapproving look.
"You're late."
"I'm like one minute late."
"That's late. Look I don't have time to babysit you so I'd like you to get your ass here on time every single day."

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