Chapter Nine

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As the first light of dawn crept across the sky, casting a soft golden glow over the encampment, I ran a whetstone along the edge of my sword, the rhythmic scraping sound grounding me in the reality of what was to come. My armor, a meld of leather and metal, lay next to me, its buckles and straps already tested for strength. It wasn't just any armor; it held the essence of Princess Annalise, a past life whose courage pulsed through my veins with every heartbeat.

"Make sure everything is double-checked," I called out to the small band of warriors surrounding me. They were a rugged bunch, each showing the wear of countless battles, but their determination was as unwavering as mine.

The burly swordsman grunted, his broad chest heaving as he gave his shield a thorough once-over. His calloused hands gripped the handle of his sword tightly, ready for any battle that may come their way.

"Got your back, Princess," he growled, determination etched into every line of his face.

I smiled at his words, feeling confidence and pride wash over me. This was not the first time I had heard them, and each time they reminded me of my identity—not just a corrections officer, but a warrior princess. The two roles seemed at odds with each other, yet somehow, they coexisted within me, melding together like pieces of a puzzle. As I let the duality settle over me like a second skin, I knew that I was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead on our journey.

As we busied ourselves with preparations, a messenger rode hard into our camp, his horse's sides heaving from exertion. "News from the North!" he exclaimed, dismounting with a sense of urgency that pulled all eyes to him.

"Speak," I commanded, stepping forward as the true leader I had become.

"Prince Ethan's father, King Gregory, is on the move. His forces will join us on the field," the messenger revealed, his chest heaving as he delivered his report.

The news stirred a buzz among my allies. I knew then what needed to be done. "To the battlefield," I said, my voice carrying the weight of command. "We position ourselves now. When the king arrives, we need to be ready."

Doubt crept in as a voice challenged from behind, questioning our decision to trust them.

"I vouch for Prince Ethan," I declared, hiding my doubts. Trust in royal affairs was like holding onto thin ice, but I couldn't deny the fervor burning within Ethan's gaze, mirroring my fervent dedication to our mission.

"Then let's unleash hell upon our enemies," a warrior roared, galvanizing the rest of us to action.

"Let's move out!" I echoed, strapping on my armor piece by piece, feeling the familiar clink of metal settling around me. Each step towards the battlefield was a step further away from my old life in Belton, Texas. Yet, the hazel-eyed girl from the south hadn't vanished; she was simply cloaked in the majesty of Princess Annalise, ready to face whatever darkness awaited us.

"Form up! Shields at the front, archers behind," I instructed, observing the land with a practiced eye. We chose the higher ground, where the sun would be at our backs, blinding our enemies as they advanced. It was strategic, calculated, and something the corrections officer in me admired for its order amidst chaos.

"Remember, we fight not just for the Northern or Southern kingdoms. We fight for a future without the shadow of the Western realm," I announced, the horizon now fully illuminated, signaling the first stage of failure for our adversaries.

The fierce warriors raised their voices in a resounding cheer, proclaiming "Long live Princess Annalise!" Their words echoed through the air, carrying with them a sense of hope and the unwavering promise of victory. I could feel my heart swell with pride and determination at their show of loyalty.

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