Chapter 5

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Mother Alicia POV :

My name is Alicia, but everybody in town calls me Mother Alicia, I'm the only Nun in Kuoh town who takes care of the church.

But that's not my real name, my real name is Cleria Belial from the Belial clan, a devil kin that hides in the church with the help of Father Yaekagi my lover.

I hide here because I accidentally uncovered the existence of the mysterious "King Piece", and because of that, I've been hunted down by the great king faction since then.

With the help of Father Yaekagi, an exorcist from the church I can't help myself to fall in love with him since I governed the territory of Kuoh a long time ago.

We both met in a funny situation when he tried to hunt some stray devil in kuoh, back then he was still a rookie exorcist and cornered by that stray devil he tried to kill.

I try not to intervene because It's a church business and I don't want him to alert the church of a high-class devil living here.

But when I see his determination and courage to fight the stray devil, I can't help myself to help him.

When I finished off the stray devil, he proceeded to put his sword down and thank me for helping him, I was surprised that he put down his weapon and thanked me, I thought he would attack me as well because I'm a devil kin and an enemy of the church.

I explain to him that I'm a high-class devil who rules this territory, I ask why he doesn't attack me as well like the stray devil there.

And then he said a word that stuck with me until now.

Yaekagi: "Well I can't attack my Savior and a beautiful girl such as your self"

My face suddenly turned red and turn my face away from him, he laughed because he had never seen a devil that blushed brightly like a tomato before.

I control myself and ask him why he came to the devil's control territory measly to hunt one stray devil.

He says that he doesn't know that Japan has any devil territory and wants to make a church in this town and the stray that he hunts is a former friend of his that got turned into a devil.

As the ruler of this town, I allowed him to build a church if he didn't tell the church that I lived here, he agreed and asked my name.

I tell him my name and he says he's too, we both shake hands and that's the start of our love story.

I feel giddy remembering our first meeting, but because of our differences, we can't be together as lovers.

humans and the devil can't be together as lovers because both sides view it as taboo, I try to convince him to join my peerage and be a half-devil, but he declines and says he still wants to keep his humanity.

I reluctantly give up but still love him even if he is still human, both of us hide our relationship under the church and devil faction noses.

But the truth can't be hidden forever, since I found the mysterious "king piece", I've been hunted down by the Bael clan and great king faction.

I then proceeded to tell Yaekagi about my situation and help me hide in the church as a Nun there, I changed my appearance and changed my hair color to blond, I masked my magic and stayed there with Yaekagi until now.

In the past 10 years I've been ecstatic to live here with him and act like a couple for a long time we hide our relationship.

We both plan to have a child together but because of my devil's blood running in me, is hard to conceive a child.

But a miracle came to us, a child that had been left on the porch of the church, and both of us agreed to adopt him as our son.

He already has a name, given by his old parents who left him there, Takeda Hiro, my lovely little Hiro.

In the past year, we both lovingly raised him like our own, but lately, I've been worried about him, Yaekagj tells me that Hiro doesn't cry a lot like usual babies do.

It doesn't bother us at all because we still loved him and help us escape the horror of waking up in the middle of the night to change his diaper.

Now he has grown up bigger and shows his rebellious phase, always playing until down and making me nag him every day, I'm happy that he plays outside a lot but he hasn't made any friends yet.

I'm worried that he is lonely and sad because of it, I know he is different from the other children but he doesn't care about it and always plays alone in the playground.

Sometimes he acts like an adult and always seems to hide it from us, the only thing I hope is he talks about his problem to us and does not just avoid it for too long.

Now I just need to prepare dinner for the three of us, while I cook the soup for dinner I was surprised by the sound of screaming upstairs.

Mother Alicia: "HIRO!! Are you okay!?!"

I shout his name from the kitchen and ask him if he is okay, a sudden realization when a sound of something drops upstairs, I drop the ladle and rush to his room.

I force through his door room and see Hiro unconscious there on the floor with a pool of sweat.

I try to get him up but a sudden jolt in my hand makes me stop for a while, I feel something wrapping his body, holding him right, I activate my magic and see a lot of mana around him as if it's trying to protect him.

I was shocked by the fact that Hiro has mana now, is impossible for a normal human to have mana like this, usual human mages can have mana if they train enough for Dacade or are lucky enough to have a bloodline of a mage in his family.

I suspect that his old parents are mages who can't take care of their children, but it's not possible because when he was still a baby he didn't have a speck of mana in his body.

Right now I don't have any time for this, I have to save him now, suddenly the mana surrounding him is gone and now I can get him up to his bed and check his condition.

I notice that he doesn't get hurt at all, he is just tired and has mana overload In his body making him fall unconscious.

I sigh in relief because he is safe now, my heart almost jumps out because of his scream.

Wiping his sweat off and changing his clothes, I call Yaekagi to get home as soon as possible.

I have a bad feeling about what the future holds for us, I only hope Hiro is safe from our past.

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