Poems Memorization by Grade By Christian People For Christian Schools: Grade 2

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Grade 21

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Grade 2
1. Fireflies
2. The Snow
3. Robin's Secret
4. The Rainbow
5. A Bird's Lesson
6. Look and Listen
7. The Little Plant
8. "Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread"
9. The Months
10. I Am Jesus' Little Lamb
11. After The Storm
12. Serving Jesus
13. A Good Plan
14. Politeness
15. Little Things in Season
16. Autumn
17. A Rainy Day Song
18. To Remember
19. Father in Heaven, We Thank Thee
20. The Cow
21. The Flower Child
22. The Raindrops
23. Dandelion
24. Little Things
25. Start Right Away
26. God's Care
27. The Wind and the Leaves

FirefliesI like the warm dark summer night, When fireflies burn their golden light, And flit so softly through the air, Now up, now down, now over there!

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I like the warm dark summer night,
When fireflies burn their golden light,
And flit so softly through the air,
Now up, now down, now over there!

They sparkle in my apple tree,
And from the grass they wink at me,
And turn their lights on one by one;
I think it would be lots of fun
If I could shine at evening, too,
Just as the little fireflies do.

But Mother tells me I can be
A little light for all to see,
A little candle clear and bright
That shines for Jesus day and night.
Elizabeth Jenkins

The Snow
Last night when we were sound asleep,
The snow fell fast, the snow piled deep.
When morning came and we looked out,
The snow was lying all about.
The wind was blowing high and low,
And wrinkling up the pure white snow;
And everywhere that we could see,
We found that God made mystery.
Marguerite Church Clark

Robin's Secret
We have a secret, just we three,
The robin, and 1, and the sweet cherry tree;
The bird told the tree, and the tree told me,
And nobody knows it but just we three.

Of course, the robin knows it best,
Because it built the-I shan't tell the rest;
And laid the four little-somethings in it;
I'm afraid I shall tell it this very minute.

But if the tree and the robin don't peep,
I'll try my best the secret to keep;
Though I know, when the little birds fly about;
Then the whole secret will be out.

The Rainbow
Boats sail on the rivers,
And ships sail on the seas;
But clouds that sail across the sky
Are prettier far than these.
There are bridges on the rivers,
As pretty as you please;
But God's bow that arches heaven,
And overtops the trees,
And builds a road from earth to sky,
Is prettier far than these.
Christina Rossetti

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