Lenten Season Daily Devotions P2

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Day 11. Sunday....................................Matthew 26:53-56.
I sometimes forget these unseen observers of your Passion, Jesus. But they were there. You said that your Father could send twelve ARMIES of angels if you asked! Yet you chose to allow them to wait in the wings. If I were one of those angels-an angel who sang praises to God in heaven—it would be hard for me to watch, silently, as God's only Son died. I would want to protect you, Lord. But you need to do this, don't you? You were working, Lord, saving the world. I'll wait, with the angels ... no matter how hard it is.

Day 12. Monday....................................Matthew 26:57-66
The chief priest should have known better, Lord. He should have been looking for ways to serve God's Son. But instead, he was looking for a way to kill you. He even got angry when you told the truth. Keep my eyes open to your
plan, Lord Jesus, so that I won't be as blind as Caiaphas.

Day 13. Tuesday ............Matthew 26:59-61
Theose people are lying, Lord! They're lying aboutA YOU! In COURT! That's not RIGHT! The things they are doing could send you to the CROSS! Don't they realize that their lies could mean your death? How could they do such a thing?.. And how could I? Because I've lied, too. And I've done lots of things that put you on your cross. I'm sorry, Lord Jesus.

Day 14. Wednesday....................................Matthew 26:63-64
God The Father
Sometimes when I think about God the Father-the Almighty Creator of all the earth-it makes me feel scared. I worry that God might be watching me sin. I know that you forgive me, Jesus... but I get a little nervous. When I read today's Bible reading, I don't feel nervous ... I feel sad. Your Father had to watch you die, Jesus! His plan to save me had to continue. So today I'll think about your Father. And I'll give him my condolences. I'm sorry, God. I love you. God is everywhere.

Day 15. Thursday....................................Matthew 26: 66-68.
Look at these bullies. As if it weren't enough that you were found guilty of telling the truth, now these people come and ridicule you. Worse than that, they are beating you up!
Even spitting on you! That's disgusting. You say that the way I treat others is the way I am treating you, Lord Jesus. Never let me be this mean. Let me love as you love me.

Day 16. Friday....................................Matthew 26: 69-72
The Two Servant Girls
These girls caught Peter, Lord. They remembered that he knew you, though he said he didn't. They scare me. They make me think of the trouble I get into when I sin. I could look guilty in front of everybody. And I would actually BE guilty. There's only one solution—to never sin. But that's not possible. Thank you for your forgiveness, Lord. Keep me from sin.
Day 17. Saturday....................................Matthew 26: 69-75
Peter & A Rooster
it took a rooster's crow to remind Peter of your words, Lord. When the rooster crowed,
peter remembered what you ad he deniout his denial, and he felt ashamed. Not only had he denied knowing you but he had forgotten what you had warned him about in just a few hours. What does it take for me to remember You? Does it take the harsh reality of Lent—witnessing your terrible suffering and death again this year — to realize your wondrous love for me? So be it. I will watch and wait again this Lent. I will remember you. Help me, Lord, to remember you more often.

Day 18. Sunday....................................Matthew 27: 1-2, 11-14.
Here you are, Lord Jesus, standing before the governor, Pontius Pilate. I suppose he thought he was in control. But I know YOU really have control. A lowly governor is no match for the power of God. But still you submitted to Pilate's power. You let him judge you. He really did appear to have power over you. I know better, Lord. I know you are doing Your job. You are saving the world with LOVE's strong power.
Day 19. Monday....................................Matthew 27: 15-21.
I don't suppose Barabbas really watched you die, Lord.
He probably was as far from a cross as possible. He was supposed to be nailed to one, after all. But you took his place, Lord. You took mine, too. Thank you.
Day 20. Tuesday....................................Matthew 27: 19-24
Pilate's Wife
I wonder if Pilate was angry with his wife. She was meddling in HIS business. She had a dream about Jesus-a nightmare, real-and sent a warning to her husband to stay clear of that "innocent man." She knew the truth. Her dream had somehow told her. But Pilate didn't listen, Lord, help me to be attentive to the truth... and to follow it.
Huge complaint: "'Pilate didn't listen!" ✖️Error!❌ He literally said in the Bible to the other people who were so mad. "Do what you want but my hands will be clean off his blood." Means he took no part in what happened later.
Matthew: 27: 24 When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere but that instead an uproar was starting he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd. "I am innocent of this man's blood," he said. "It is your responsibility." Pyrix_Fairy (I am so glad I caught this before I published this part.

" Pyrix_Fairy (I am so glad I caught this before I published this part

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Day 21. Wednesday....................................Matthew 27: 20-23
A Crowd
What an awful mob of angry people, Lord. They want you dead ... NOW! And they don't even seem to know WHY! They are merely listening as the chief priests egg them on. Don't they realize what they are doing? They're calling for your DEATH! How alone you must feel in this shouting crowd.

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