Prayers For When Misunderstood

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Father in heaven whenever people people misunderstand me what brings me comfort is that You see everything and even if I am misunderstood because others barely know the truth; You already know it all in Jesus' name I pray amen.

"If we live we live for the Lord, if we die we die for the Lord. So whether we live or die we belong to the Lord." Romans 14:8.

"But when you pray go into your room close the door and pray to Your Father who is unseen. Then Your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you." Matthew 6:6.

First of all the verse up above being said by Jesus is misunderstood and taken way out of context even by my own earthly Christian Father. Jesus is not saying praying in public is bad and he's not saying you can't invite someone to privately pray with you. The Disciples when they prayed they prayed together in a secret room that is what was going on Pentecost before the Holy Spirit entered all of them in that room. I pray privately with my Mother all the time in our home. I have seen church people specifically gifted in prayer pray for my people publicly in the congregation of my church. Prayer doesn't have to be a private thing especially if you need help interpreting and understanding God's messages which is exactly what the people at my church do in the midst of the service they take those who wish to have further counseling and confirmation off to the side and pray for the wisdom of the Lord to be shown and help counsel them.

The most private form of prayer though has a specific name called Contemplative Prayer a silent form of Praying needed to be done alone in a very quiet room to cut off all distractions from God, a time when you acknowledge all your goofs and let go and wait to hear God speak. This is the way many Believers strengthen their relationship with God by being still and quiet in this type of prayer time. I choose this one most of the time during the evening right before I go to bed myself. While everyone else may pray in this type of prayer with their eyes closed I can't do that. So this is a way trickier prayer for me to pray.

The two things Jesus does say before the verse up above is don't pray like hypocrites who pray  off the streets corners who do it only to gain fame and favor from others and don't babble on in lengthy speechy prayers like the Pagans and Pharisees did back in old Jerusalem days who think the more words the more likely the answer will be sent. The very account of Pentecost later in Acts counters the fact that prayer is majorly only private is a false concept.

To me honestly most people who consider anything totally from the Bible absolutely private are just ridiculously fearful of other humans. To me I never believed in anything said in the Bible was meant to stay private or we wouldn't have the famous Sunday School Song "Go tell it On The Mountain." based on Jesus' own command from the Gospel to his Disciples was. "Be my witnesses and share the news I brought to You." (I am paraphrasing it here.)

Father in heaven, when I am misunderstood or judged, I take comfort that You see everything. Others may judge my actions and misperceive me by only looking at the superficial and not getting the whole picture, but You know and see all of it. What matters is that I have honored You and done what You call me to do. In Christ, I am always loved, and nothing can take such love away from me. In this lifetime, I live not for others but for You. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Paul mentions that he has been crucified with Christ; it is no longer he that lives but Christ Who lives in him. So, the life that he lived, he lived not for himself but for Christ. May that passage empower and remind us that, in the end, we are not living for others but for Christ. We are servants of Christ and not of men. We have only One to please, and that is God. —Galatians 2: 20

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