Chapt # 1 - Amarie

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Earlier i was walking around the park in the morning, Now i'm back to my shitty dorm, Or room, Drawing my plates, Over and over, I had 10 plates to pass by the end of the week and I've only created 5 of them,

I'm too tired for this shit, I stood up and got downstairs, Where i found out, My Older brother had his friends over, Likely two of his friends,

I was halfway naked, tanktop no bra, Shorts with panties, Why wouldn't i wear panties?

I was eyeing the cookie jar on our counter, So i walked passed my brother's friend, and took the jar with me upstairs,

I closed my door and jumped on the bed, Flat on stomach, I took my book and cookie jar beside me,

My phone dinged before i even opened my book, To see another text from my scary stalker,

Or admirer we call them?

"Hi baby, How are you, I'm thinking about you..."

I rolled my eyes, And replied

"I'm not your baby, Stop calling me that,"

Then after, I turned my DND on and started reading


Hours passed, And i already finished my book, And the cookies too, I opened my phone to see hundreds of messages,
"ugh.." i grunted, Why does he even text me!

"Baby please don't ignore me.."

"Baby i miss you..."

"Baby dont ignore my texts"

"Baby, You chose this, there's consequence."

I rolled my eyes again, And got back downstairs to put back the empty cookie jar to see, One of my brother's friend had slept on the couch, Though I'm not kind but,

i took one of the blankets from the laundry room and placed it ontop of him,

But felt i grasp on my hand,

I looked to see...

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