Chapt - 20 - Amarie

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I got a call from my brother, Early in the fucking morning, Im super tired, And I don't have time for what he is about to tell me, But i pick it up, Since I'm the best sibling ever,

"Amarie." He pinned as i asked what was going on after i picked the call up,

"I'm fucking sorry... I know you wanted true love, Like a love that will.. last forever, But i-im so fucking selfish... I-i arranged your marriage,"

I was shocked... I'm fucking furious, B-but I don't wanna get married yet, "i needed to save our company, Sis, fuck, I'm the worst brother..."
He told me in the phone as i wipe my tear,

"I'm fucking sorry, but, The wedding... It'll be held, Next monday." He told me as i sigh, softly,

"It's okay... I'll marry them.." i told him softly as i ask him, "who am i marrying?" I ask,

"Sorry... Rhyss, Rhyss Kingston." He told me, Pinned, I freeze as i hear his name, He-him?

"I-ill marry him... Bu-but its Saturday. When will i get to pick my dress, My venue? My ring?" I ask, "it's marriage, By paper,"

"I'm still going to put effort on it, Maybe-maybe it will be true love, Like Rhyss's brother, " i say, It slipped out,

"You know he has a brother? When? Have you even met him before? Did you talk to him?" So many questions asked, But,

I didn't answer, And dropped the call, i immediately dress up, And go to my office,

Wearing a short pencil skirt, And white polo shirt, With a tie and a blazer,

I drove to work, Fast, and got into the elevator, i wanted to talk to Rhyss, Right fucking now,

I knock on my door furiously, "Rhyss." I snap,

I opened the door in my will, and found him sitting there smiling, "Why did i get a fucking call from my brother, Saying, im getting married with Rhyss Kingston? " I exclaim,

"Oh, Amarie, I don't know," he chuckled, I'm going to rip his balls out if he jokes about this shit,

"i-Marriage by paper? What about the fucking dress i need to wear? The venue? The fucking rings that we exchange?" I ask,

"well, We'll go right now, Get your bag, And come with me, We'll go shopping, Rings? You pick it yourself, Love cause, Its supposed to be a secret,"

I stood there in shock, We're getting married??? What the fuck is happening with my fucking life????????

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