Chapt # 2 - Amarie

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I looked to see...

My brother's friend grasping my hand, Ii almost yelped, but soon stopped myself from doing it because he was brought back to sleep, Finally...

I took my hand out and carefully placed the blanket ontop of him, And got back to putting the jar onto the sink,

I washed the jar and wiped my hands, Then slowly turned my back to see no one, Why would i see anyone when he's asleep and we're the only one in the dorm,

I shook my head and walked forward to the couch where my brother's friend was sleeping, I slowly slid infront of the couch or i just sat on the floor, And took the remote,

It took me minutes to find a movie, Well... Let's just say that i chose 50 shade's of gray, And watched, there was like too much sex scenes that I didn't even finish it, I just turned it off,

I slipped beside my brother's friend and slept there, Beside him.

- Hours Passed -

I woke up to find myself sleeping on the couch, "Ouf.." i mumbled when i saw someone on the counter,

"You slept quite well..." He said, His voice is... Handsome, not gonna lie, It's really deep and warm, But not harsh or raspy,

"yeah... I was too tired finishing my plates..." I said with a huff while i stood up from the couch, Only to fall back and crash into the couch, Again...

He quickly rushed by my side and knelt down beside the couch, "Are you okay?" He asked with a soft tone hanging over,

"yeah yeah," i said while i placed my hand onto my head, "It happens everytime i wake up.." i chuckled, I stood up again while i felt his hand wrap around my waist,

"im really okay, I don't need help, I promise.." i said with my tone slowly dropping to a mono tone, I walked to my room, And got inside, I closed the door and jumped onto my bed, Flat on stomach again, Its my favorite position when sleeping, or doing something, "Huff",

I took my phone to message Vera,

"girl, I fell asleep on the couch when i was
supposed to finish my plates🤭"

"Gurl, That's due by the end of the week, u know you dont have much time"

" I know that okay! Vera i just opened my phone and you're getting on my nerves!"

I slammed my phone down on my bed and i grunted, "Guuuhh" i got to the bathroom and opened the shower, And waited for it to turn warm before i took off my clothes and showered, Some minutes, I finished showering and got to my closet,

I wore my, Oversized shirt with my jorts and some fishnets paired with boots, And my hat, And ofcourse, Hand warmers and leg warmers wouldn't be fogotten, i got out, and told my brother's friend

"Hey, Uhh, Im going out with my friend, just another hour and id be back.."

He rushed to the door, "Your brother said you aren't allowed to go out, You're sick.."

"No I'm not." I defended, i pushed him aside only to be pushed back a little gentler,"Let me out." I said gruffly


I pushed passed him with my built strength and i got through the door, "Ill be back!" I shouted while I rushed out to the door.

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