Chapt # 5 - Rhyss

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Days passed, I haven't had the time to visit my princess, But I'm always watching her, I didn't know she dresses up in her bed...

But it was a nice view, it made me go bezerk, But today, Shes going out, how do i know? Because shes wearing a dress,

I should've let my intrusive thought win and add a chip in her phone, god im dumb,

But I'm not gonna worry anymore, i have a tracker on her car, Phone, so I'd know where she might be, But, Why doesn't she dress like that for me?

A pink mini skirt, With a cropped shirt, And fishnets paired with her favorite pink boots, And her bag, with her clips on her hair,

I opened my phone to send her another message,

"Baby, Where are you going all dolled up? Princess, You aren't supposed to dress for someone like that, other than me."

"Fuck you, Who are you to tell me what to wear and what not to wear, Don't be a fucking pussy and show yourself, Weirdo."

She's angry, But why, Doesn't she like me sending her these messages, The necklace her brother gave her, Its mine, But does she need to know that? That it has a camera.

She got downstairs, just for me to see in the camera that a guy is waiting for her, And impulsively wrapped his arms around her waist.

I slammed my hand on my desk, Veins threatening to pop on my head, "Who the fuck does he think he is, Touching my princess... He's going to regret that."


I let her get home, But after that, I decided not to let the man live, His name was, "Alex? God, You're a fucking idiot."
I chuckled, I got to my car, and drove to where he was going next, Another girl? Hah, What a fucking playboy,

I tapped his shoulder, And knocked him out, Slowly dragging him to my car, i tied him up,

I sped through the empty road, And onto my house, Or another house that i own, Just not where i sleep, its filled wth the blood of guys who touched my princess,

I carried him inside, And chained him standing, Wide legs and arms apart, Almost ready to get ripped, i woke him up,

"Goodmorning, Got a good sleep?" I asked smiling at him,

I found his eyes we're filled with fear, And he was trembling, "W-where am i, W-who the fuck are you!!" He shouted,

"No need to know, What was the hand you used to have you all confident and touch my fucking princess?" I asked, I pointed on his arm,

"This?" I asked before i took my axe and chopped it off, Lead him to screaming until his throat was so fucking dry, "This? This touched my baby?"

I said, I dropped it to the floor and stomped on it, "W-who are you talking about!!" He screamed,

"Shut up, Tou ché, You're going to die here, And im going to throw you in the fucking ocean, Until you're nowhere to be found."

I took my phone and called Calix, "Come here, And take care of this guy here, I want him gone, And no traces left," i said, He replied, "On it."

I left the house, And drove to my princess's dorm, Why does she live in that trash, She could live with me and become mine,

I parked my car far away but i still have a view of her, I heard sounds of pleasure when i parked, I opened my phone to see her, Playing with herself,

"my cock is better than that." I whispered gruffed, While i opened my pants, And pulled it down, She's got me playing with myself while i watch her,

I wrap my fingers around my cock, And slowly moved up and down, Until i heard her moaning, And moaning, Until i reached my own orgasm, and just exploded,

The same time she did... "One day ill have my cock buried in that pussy."

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