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Long ago, many rumors swirled around a small village in the snow forest of Ninjago. Spreading outwards to even some folk in Ninjago City of a baby born of dark means.

Legend has it, that a young couple were very upset at being unable to have their own children. Desperate, the husband sought out a way to make his wife happier with finding a way to have a child of their own. So he bought a boat and had his wife go with him on a voyage to lands that stretched out far away.

It was there it's said that the man and the women encountered a horrible and dark beast. But to their surprised, it listened to their pleas with interest of it's own. It promised to grant them a child under the circumstances of his own blood running through that child'd veins. As the beats always had plans to survive and combat it's most hated enemy.

The couple were hesitant for many days. At guilt of if they did this, would they place the whole world in danger? But the woman insisted that she would raise this child up to be good depsite their background. That even person has good in their hearts if nurished and loved properly.

So together they made a agreement with this beast before them. Granted a child of their own that was soon born in the snowy villages. Though they believed the child would be raised in a loving home, disaster struck at night when more and more people heard of the childs origins.

One night, ded coated the snow deeply and the cries of child slowly disappeared in the night. Though the parents were found, the child had disappeared form existence and was heard of no more. Many people learned to forget about it, but others held deep concern on if this child would return one day and be the death of Ninjago. As it was only just a while ago that the serpentine were placed into their tombs and Ninjago was at peace once more. But a great shadow was growing deeper by the day.

Now this legend remains a old wisetale told by some to warn children of making deals with beings that would only use them. Or to never go out in the Snowy Forest alone. But one day... These wise tales would become more than just a story. It would become realty one day.

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