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AN: Please know that I currently don't have access to Netflix. So I am using episode transcripts that don't show me voicelines! So please know it will not be 100% accurate to the show and it's in Eve's perspective anyways, so things will be different. :3 ))

As the sun arose over the sea level, Eve was already making preparations on the boat with two more maidens. Currently she stood over the countertop of the kitchen and eat-in area of the boat. Wiping away all the dust and grime of years from misuse. She sighed softly as she looked up at what all else needed done.

"This will take all day. Just how far is the mainland anyways..." The grumble left her throat as she sat down by one of the long tables. The other two maids cleaned the other two tables and already was upstairs. Cleaning the rooms and infirmary. Though Eve takes it that such cleaning was unnecessary. They surely wouldn't be out to sea for days. Although she had atleast hoped not.

Eve couldn't remember the banishment at 2 years old. Though it wasn't her punishment, but Chen's. All she can recall is Chen caused a war. Once it was over, Chen was banished with Clouse. His wife, pregnant at the time, followed out of her own choice. One thing Eve eould never understand is why Chen of all people?

"Don't you think there's more work to be done? We're leaving now and arrive at night. I expect this place to be spotless!" A grumpy tone rang Eve out of her thoughts. Rapidly she stood up with a bow towards the doorway Clouse stood in. His arms crossedwith a irritable expression. That isn't any surprise.

"My apologies Master Clouse. The preparations are well under way. Just a little more cleaning left." Eve straightened her back as she spoken somewhat sternly. She didn't want to deal with Clouse's bad moods all day. Even though she doesn't think Clouse has any better mood.

Clouse just mumbled with a gruff as he turnt away. Leaving Eve in peace to clean the rest she had to do. As she get to it, her thoughts began to drift again to the wonders she'll see. Just how big us the city? What were other people like outside the island? What all other powers are out there?


Standing beside Clouse on the deck by the boarding area, Eve gazed at the approaching dock in awe. Well lighted in the night with quite a few people standing there. Waiting patiently or pacing as the boat reaches the dock. For once in a while, Eve felt nervous in a good way. She had to serve these people. Was it possible they'd eat her up alive? Or would great kindness meet her working hands? She hoped for the latter.

Slightly the boat bobbed as two warriors used ropes to keep it close enough to place a board down. Further to the back of the boat, weight shifted as the anchor dropped to the waters below. As soon as the board touched the dock, Clouse stood on the edge and raised his hands to speak to all of them,"Welcome greats masters of Ninjago! Master Chen will soon welcome your arrival. Come aboard our ship, you won't regret it..."

Eve shivered as he stepped aside parallel to her with a sly grin. He always sounded like a evil plot was going to unfold. It was certainly strange Chen invited all these people. They all looked unique as they boarded one by one. But as the most colorful of the group boarded, someone caught her eyes eith such familiarity. He was trying to convince a young blonde headed boy not to go. Clouse had noticed this as well.

"If it isn't Lord Garmadon! Or should I say Sensei Garmadon?" Clouse sneered as his eyes clouded at the sight of his old rival.

"Clouse, why am I not surprised to see you here?" Garmadon seemed to hold a similiar feeling to seeing Clouse again. As the young boy borded despite the warnings of Chen. Garmadon tried to follow, but Clouse had blocked his way. Eve stepped back as the tension between the two was impeccable to see.

"Sorry, but I'm afraid there is no more room on the vessel," Clouse kicked off the board to prevent Garmadon joining. But with one look of determination, Garmadon jumped in the board mid-air and kicked a warrior off the boat as he landed. Eve was a little taken aback and shocked. It seems Garmadon was still strong and worthy of Lod title despite his age now.

"Oh well, seems that changed.," Clouse could only harden his gaze before stepping away to continue his duties. As the boys with Garmadon dispersed to look around, the blonde one stayed and briefly spoke with him. Seizing the opportunity, Eve approached them.

"Lord Garmadon, it is a pleasure to see you again. You have grown into a old man I see of great respect." She positioned her words carefully. As from early memories, though kind, Garmadon still had his moments. But now he almost seemed voud of evil. How strange...

Garmadon and the boy turned their attention towards Eve. Garmadon almost seemed shocked and worried a little bit. Was there a sign of distrust by chance? Coudl it be, he worried Eve was trained to be like Clouse? But her servant clothing may speak otherwise.

Beside him, the young boy expressed shock and fear with green and golden hazel eyes. Starring right at her eyes suddenly made Eve uncomfortable. He just seemed to have a form of shell-shock looking at her like that. She knew her violet purple eyes were... Unique, but not strange enough to stare at her like this. All she could do was find out why and apologize,"I'm sorry... Is there something wrong? I do not mean to disturb you..."

"Don't mind him. This is my son, Lloyd,"Garmadon cleared it up quickly," I can't believe it's really you Eve. What has Clouse and done to you?"

"Don't fret. I'm merely a servant for Chen and Clouse now. I'm sure you want to know what Master Chen is up to, but I'm afraid even myself don't entirely know what's going on outside this massive tournament." It felt nice to soeak so freely, Eve felt glad to have a familiar and kind face boarding.

"Um, not trying to be rude, but Dad, who is this? How do you know her?" Lloyd was right to be questionable. He almost seemed to act uneasy. Perhaps it was merely her connection to the events happening around them.

"This is Eve, she was a child that Chen adopted long ago under the belief that she was a elemental master. Though she was only two when I had left them behind," Garmadon explained straight to the point. She had hoped maybe he would've said more detail, but he hadn't. Leaving her slightly disappointed, but glad to see a old friend regardless.

"I'm sure you're nervous about what Chen is up to. If I were to even know, I'm afraid I couldn't tell you. Chen intrusted me to care for all the masters, but I am still watched and limited to what I can do." Sighing as Eve slightly frowned. She glanced back towards Lloyd, who didn't at all seem satisfied with her answers. Though the sound of a crash led him and Gardmadon to run off. She wanted to follow, but one of the maids came out.

"Eve, Clouse ordered we prepare them a meal to eat til we're back on the island. We need your assistance."

"Alright, I'm coming. Get started and tell Miyo to take care of the tea. Work on the desserts. I can handle the main courses." After giving orders, she goanced one last time at Garmadon and his little group. Wondering just what did this experience have instored?

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