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"Please, don't make this difficult. I didn't know Chen would cast you down here." Eve groaned with a tray in her hands of food. Though instead of the titanium nindroid, Eve was serving a lost contestant from that morning's first trial. It wasn't til it was over that Eve was made aware she'd be serving the man, Karloff,  dinner  before a ritual. Whatever that meant.

"Karloff not accept food from pretty lady. Karloff demands freedom from cage!" Despite the compliment, he only frustrated her further. If only she didn't have to deal with complicated prisoners. Though she wished there was none at all. She felt awful being part of it to begin with.

"Look, I don't know what Chen plans for you. I'm sorry. I'm only taking orders. I don't even wanna think what happens if I don't. Please, just take it. I don't know when's the next time I'll be down here and I'm sure your stomach doesn't want to know. So.... Please?" Her pleas thankfully went answered. The defeated man took the tray whilst in his cuffs to eat. It was obvious he was starving. Suddenly spotting a certain dessert, he even seemed delighted now.

"Karloff apologies and thanks strange women," That's all Eve wanted to hear as she went to close and lock the cell's door. A breath of relief leaving her lungs. That thankfully went better than expected towards the end. U like her other possible friend down the hall. He still refuses to speak or eat.

"It's okay, hopefully when all of this is over, Chen will release you back to Ninjago. For now, I'll make sure you don't go hungry." Leaving with those words, she was stopped midway by Clouse and Chen. Several warriors were behind them. Instantly, Eve bowed to show her respect, but wasn't happy to see her masters. She was in absolute disagreeance with having a new prisoner out of Master Chen's games.

"Is the prisoner fed?" Clouse's voice brought Eve to look up at them again. Her dark brown and long hair falling back to her shoulders as her purple eyes gave now clue to her emotions inside. She held a straight face when addressing them.

"He received his food roughly five minutes ago." She answered and glanced at the warriors behind them. They are certainly up to something. Just what entirely were they planning to do? Something about all this made her stomach twist. Especially at the staff Chen held in his hands. It's black snake like rod held a gem at the top of it. Sitting in the snake's mouth with a little golden shield below it.

"Good. That's plenty of time to pay our looser a visit!" Chen's giggles and laughs only sent off alarm bells in her further. The party of men passed her and continued onwards down the halls of the cave. As Eve stood there til they passed, she became increasingly more uncomfortable. She had to follow, it would only eat her up alive not knowing what exactly Chen was doing. Maybe even then, she should report it to Garmadon. After all, he didn't seem all to happy to what they're plotting. Maybe even she can escape this place...

She waited there for several paces of time. Once the footsteps echoes barely vanished, Eve turnt back towards Karloff's cell. Along the way, a sight made her stop in her footsteps. Four of the warriors were knocked out cold on the ground beside a connecting tunnel. Missing some of their clothing and helmets. With each new strange thing on this island, the more the horrible sick feeling she had grew.

Passing Karloff's cell, it was clear that Karloff was just taken at the sight of his cuffs on the ground. The tray of food left behind was only half eaten. Poor guy... She kept going down the tunnels. Entering areas she is normally not allowed in.

She was going faster to a larger opening of the tunnel systems. Staying beside a opening to catch her breath, she watched in horror as Karloff was held feet away from Chrn and his staff. A evil sneer across Chen's face as he aimed the staff towards the new prisoner.

"Only one can remain..." His manical laughter rain out of the cave walls as the staff used ice and begin to suck in Karloff's powers. The warriors were bowing and chanting as it all took place. Karloff slumped down from the sudden weakness. Eve gasped in a horrific shock of what she had just witnessed. Is that what happened to the previous prisoner? No wander he acts like a broken soul!

Suddenly Chen shouted imposters towards a group of four warriors. It took a moment for Eve to identify them as Garmadon's group. When they started to run towards her direction, she swiftly jumped up and grasped to the rocky surface of the cave ceiling. Cutting some of her fingertips slightly as the boys and following warriors passed. It felt weird to have to use some of her training from years ago now. That was three years ago before they made her a maid as punishment. Once they had passed, Eve jumped back down and raced away. But her feet never touched the ground. Her throat was cut off from air as her kimono was caught in someone else's hand.

"Spying as well are we? Are you behind this?" That voice was too hard to miss, Clouse had caught her watching too. Now he believes she had a part in helpong them watch as well. Roughly, Eve met the ground as he pushed her down. A very angry and cold glare pierced through her. This won't end well for her at all.


Night passed swiftly as Eve stood regrettably beside Chen in the dinning area. On the other side of him was Clouse. She wore differemt clothing. A black gi with purple  accents. After being caughtby Clouse, Eve was adequately punished with Chen stating she'd be force to fight in the tournament as well. Since according to his words ' wants to know what's happening so badly'. Now here she stood facing the contestants that she may have to go after as well.

Though it could seem it was a blesisng and less of a punishment, she knew she couldn't win. These masters held years of training and experience.  Whilst for her, using her powers was forbidden for several years. All she had was little training years ago and non-using techniques. But this did allow communication with others under limited supervision. However good or bad that'll go.

Chen clanged a glass soon, catching all eyes on him for his annoucements," Today we'll announce a new contestant joining. After all, wouldn't be fun without all elements contending would it?"

Eve gulped as he began to speak. Everyone placed their eyes on towards. Sizing her up most likely. Garmadon's group in particular seemed accusatory. As if it was part of Chen's plans all along to use her like this. For all they know, she's as skilled as Clouse. But that hadn't been the case at all.

"Our lovely servant, Eve, volunteered to join the tournament. Though I'm sure none of you guessed she'd be the master of Darkness. Daughter of the Overlord!" Everyone gasped at Chen's announcement, including Eve herself. She always imagined discovering her origins by discovering documents or overhearing someone. Never just dropped out there like a bomb! She didn't even know who this Overlord guy was! But based on some people's reactions, it's must've not been a good person.

"Though she will not be competing today. No, today we shall have, let's see... Master of Speed, Master of Gravity, Master of the Mind, Master of Nature, Master of smoke and..." Chen continued as Eve's mind spaced off. They all were just gonna drive past that? As she steps away from  hen, she doesn't even hear the kast contestant. She just feels dizzy with sudden dread. The Overlord? That's where her powers come from? Did everyone fear her now? How well with that affect her chances against them or with them?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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