The Servant and The Guest

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'Gah, it's always so dark and clumy in here!' were the thoughts of a teenage girl as she walked through some tunnels. Eery sounds of moisture dripping time to time. Collecting on the ground as feet pass through the tiny puddles. Only dim lighting came from candles throughout the cave system.

In the brown-headed girl's hands was a grey tray. The food ain't anything appetizing looking, but it was nutritional non the less. Her steps came to a brief stop as a purple hue of eyes look through the bars of a small window on a door. The gaze went to the back where scrunched up silver reflected off what little light there was.

"Youn know... You can't just not eat forever. Although do nindroids need to eat? Regardless...," Her voice paused as she took a key and unlocked the metal door," I hope maybe this time I'll come back to a empty tray. I'm... Sorry you're stuck here. It's not always a bad island..."

Softly a sigh left her as the boy of titanium still hadn't budged or make a sound as she placed the tray on the ground. Regardless, a small, reassuring smile came upon her. She felt sorry for him. This island isn't always the best place. Plus, it seems her master is getting worse by the day. With all that noted, she stepped away back into the halls and closed the door.


"Eve!" Up back on the surface level, a older lady in a bright red and gold kimono called out to the young girl. Her hair dyed black, but wrinkles showed her age no matter how much make-up there was. A serious expression was placed on her face when addressing Eve.

"Miss Maoka. What troubles you?" Eve gave a polite tone back. After all, when Skylar's mother passed, Maoko raised Eve and Skylar both. She was one of the few that treated Eve with dignity and kindness. Their masters on the other hand...

"Master Chen has called you to join him and Clouse in the Throne room. They mentioned another step in their plan. Be cautious dear," Maoka starred off serious, but ended with a worrisome tone.

"By all means Maoka, I will be fine. Master Chen wants can't be too horrific. I've noticed the warriors working on the boat. It must be time to retrieve the elemental masters for his tournament. He most likely wants me to aid in serving them," Calmly, Eve had vaguely knew some of Chen's plans from previously serving him.

For a while now, Chen has mentioned inviting all the elemental masters to a duel. What for, however, Eve did not know. It very well may pertain to the prisoner he's held for months. When surprisingly rarely ever happened. Soemthing big was happening soon. All those events and preparations. What could all of this be?


Quickly, Eve adjusted her red a d golden kimono. She never liked it, but Chen insist all his servants do. At age 13, Eve's training shifted to being a maid for all of them. That was 4 years ago. Since then, Eve was forced to wear certain clothing like the rest of the girls. Alongside no longer being around Skylar. Chen feared they became too close growing up together.

To her surprise when Eve entered into the Throne Room, Skylar stood by her father with a serious look. Upon Eve entering, Skylar casted a brief smile. Her green eyes always seemed to hold sympathy for her now and days. After all, they were practically sisters. Even though neither of them know where exactly Eve comes from.

"About time! I've been waiting for minutes too long!" Master Chen shouted like the man-child Eve always hears listening to him. She never knew someone could talk and act like a toddler in a grown man's body. But despite his antics, Chen was a incredibly smart and dangerous man.

Eve swiftly bowed to Chen as she spoken," My apologies Master. Miss Maoka told me you requested my appearance. How shall I serve you today?"

Chen cocked his head to the side with some sarcasm in his body language as he began to give his orders," I'm ordering you to join Clouse on the voyage to the mainland docks. But let me make things clear now. You are to not set foot off that boat. You're to serve the guest, not become friends with them. As I may make use of your powers later on. You'll be leaving, at sunset!"

Oh no, anything but Clouse. If not Chen's childish behaviors, it was Clouse's stern and menacing ways that terrified Eve. Vague memories remember many possible times Clouse could have hurt her if not for a kinder man. Unfortunately, all she can remember is he left to be with his wife. This trip was going to prove interesting.

"Yes, Master Chen, I will have everything ready by sunrise. Your orders are heard and will be carried out the way you wish they be." She calmly responded as she glanced towards the dark headed man referred as Clouse. He always seemed glum and snarky.

"Good! Now, fetch me some sticky buns. I'm hungry!!" Yeesh, his crying out like that never ceases to be annoying. Eve just nodded eith a small bow and left. Even though the circumstances may not be good, zo see things off the island for once would be delightful. Just what was life like beyond this wretched prision of a island?

Ninjago: Opposites (OC Story x  Lloyd)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora