Part 3 - 3rd April

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You don't know who is your well-wisher or who is not.

It was said to say positive things to people because if you say negative things to people you don't know who your well-wisher is. They might use it against you. A brilliant quote. A brilliant quote that the other me doesn't reflect on.


I don't know why she came. The other me. I have never read or watched any negative things. I mean I did lose someone close to me that was a bit sudden. But that was YEARS before 'she' came.

Was it growing all that time?

I don't know. I still miss that person. When she smiled, so did her eyes. I remember it like it was yesterday. I think her death is the reason 'the other me' came. After her death I was quiet for years. Then I moved school. I was happy. Then the 'other me' came.

The remains of my sadness?

The reason I am like this?

Is this how bullies start out?

I hope not. If I ever do just tell me to read this. Please. Being a bully is one of my worst fears. Tbh school is my happy place (after the beach obv) My friends are great despite them being annoying.

No they're terrible especially those 3

No they great

We'll see.

Now I was sure that they were friends but now. . .

I am not. . .

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