Everyone has secrets.

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   "Y/n? A-are you okay", Hugh asked "What? Oh... yeah sorry, I zoned out a little... heh", you said looking at him through your huge glowing doe eyes. You moved your (color) hair behind your ears and asked "So, should we get back to it" in a sultry tone. "Yes, my love", Hug growled, flipping you over on the bed to continue his meal...

  I was always a bad girl, and had done my fair share of bad things, but this, this was by far the worst one. I, y/n, was a part of the parlaiment, one of the leaders of my contry, Uria, and I was a spy for the greater nation of Airu. I had been born in Uria, and lived here my whole life, but the people of Uria had never accepted me. I had a bigger ass than any Urian woman could have dreamed of because of my Airu heritage, bigger cherries too. This, along with my huge lips and pin-like waist, was what had attracted him, another member of the Urian government and my secret lover - Hugh Edik, a dark haired, ivory skinned man. 

   Speaking within the parlaiment was not allowed, it was a holy place for thought and planning, not to mention romance between the members. I could be executed for it. But on the other hand, he was just so fine. His body was like that of a statue, and what lay beneath his belt... well... it was as big as a whole half of a glue stick... 

 - the next morning - 

   I woke up, feeling the strong grip of Huh's arms around my minuscule waist and hearing the grainy rasp of his breath in my ear. Shit. Huggy was never supposed to stay the night, my handler was supposed to come visit me this morning... Fuck.... Fuck fuck fuck... Why am I always getting into these horrible situations... What do I do???  I tried to gently peel Heughs arm off of me, but it was too strong, I couldn't move it. I tried desperately to squish and squeeze my way out from under him, but that just made him cuddle up closer to me and moan softly. "Huggie", I whispered in a soft voice, trying to gently wake him, but it was no use. This man rearranged my insides last night, and now he's sleeping like a bear in hibernation? 

   I felt Mudcrawler's (handlers fake name) footsteps shaking the ground in front of my door, followed by a complicated knock which signaled his arrival. I'm totaly screwed, what will I do if he comes in and finds me still trapped in Hew's arms? As my husband, he has the right to kill Huhg!! What do I do??  I groaned, and luckily, this was the thing that finally woke Hewy. He rolled off of me, his signature smirk already on his face. OKAY, okay good... think think think...  the idea suddenly popped into my head. 

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