Loose ends tied up.

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   Living as Hugh's wife was hard. Sure, the sex was great and I loved him, but his multiple personalities were hard to live with. It had been a year since we escaped Uria, and left to live in the foothills of Airu. The year had been hard, but so, so worth it. We loved each other, and that was enough.

   One night, we were sitting at the table, drinking tea, when suddenly the switch (between personalities) came. Normally, Hugh switched between his spy personality and his nationalist one, but this time, it was different. THis time when he switched, the spark of recognition when seeing me was gone, replaced by an expression of surprise. "Maya... is that you? But, but you're dead...", he said. "No dear, I'm not Maya, I'm y/n. Maya was my mothers name before she passed", I said, trying to make my voice as kind and understanding as possible. In all honesty, this was getting tiring. Constantly explaining who we were, where we were, and what was happening. But this time, something much worse  happened. "Oh! Thank God... you're alive! It's really you... oh, I've missed you so much daughter!", he exclaimed. "D-d-daughter? NO... I'm your wife Heugh!", I screamed, not willing to believe what he was saying. "No no sweetie, you're mistaken, I'm your father. Your papa!", he said, grinning from ear to ear. Now it all made sense, how he had seemed to have known me for ages before now, how he was so comfortable around me... it was all because he was... he was my father...

   This was all too much. I ran upstairs, tears welling in my eyes again. I couldn't take it anympre. This was it. I was ready. And so I did it. I took a rope, and a stool. Made a noose, and fit my neck into it. And I hung. All the air left my lungs, and as my neck broke, I felt no pain, just release. Release from the horrible nightmare that had been my life for the past 5 years. It was all gone, I had found out all the secrets there were to find, I had taken all the risks, written my own story, all the loose ends in my life were tied, and as I took my last breath, I was free.

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