One final breath.

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  When I came to again, I still couldn't move, but my body was in a different position. I was standing on my tiptoes on top of a stool, with my hands tied behind me and my slender neck trapped in a noose. I can't believe it, I'm going to be hanged... I became aware of the noise around me. I was surrounded by people, waiting to see me die. The President of Uria was standing at the middle of the stage, proclaiming a speech about the evils of spies. I hung my head. I was ready for it now, they should just do it, just kill me... get it over with. The President came up close to me, and kicked the stool out from under my feet. I took what I thought would be my last breath, and hung in the air for one excruiciating second, before something happened.

   The pain on my neck lessened, and I fell onto the stage. Had the rope untied? Or had been cut by my jawline? WHAT IS GOING ON?? I felt the rush of wind in my face, and realised that it was Hugh. Hugh... saving me? But why? He called me a traitor... Hugh was sprinting away from the noose, me in his arms. He was such a strong man that noone could stop him. 

   He ran, and ran, and ran, while I just held onto him, tears streaming down my face, too confused to say anything. He finaly spoke, "My love, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to. You see, I have multiple personalities, and that one just happens to be a loyalist... but I'm a spy, and a-and I... I love you", he said licking the tears off my cheek. Before I could say a word, he continued, "Please y/n, let me take you away, marry me, come live with me! Please..." I was too shocked to speak, so I just smiled and nodded my tear-stricken face.

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