A web of lies untangled.

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   As my vision focused and my senses returned to me, I realised that I was sitting on a chair in a dimly lit room. My arms were behind my back, and I couldn't seem to move them. I looked around, but couldn't see anything in the barren room. Then, I became aware of the whistling and the scraping noise coming from behind me. "H-h-hello?", I said, my voice barely a whisper. "Oh, you're finally back. How was it?", said a mans deep barritone voice behind me. Although I was relieved that I wasn't alone in the weird strangely iron-smelling room, I didn't like what the situation looked like. I flipped through options of what to say in my mind, coming to the conclusion that I should act as clueless and small as possible to try and get the stranger to pity me. "Uhm... who are you? Who's there? A-and what do you mean how was it? How was what? I-im sorry I'm confused, my head hurts and-", I squeaked, but was rudely interrupted by the strangely hot-sounding voice (is this a new kink for me?) "Always such an inquisitive little bird, okay, let me catch you up to speed", the man said, rising from wherever he had been sitting behind me and making his way over to face me. I ghasped, "Hugh! I'm so happy you're here! What happened? Where are w-", I was interrupted"tsk tsk tsk, let me explain first. You were just drugged, by me, because I discovered that you're a spy and I have been torturing you for the past week. Drugs were just a new form of torture for me to use", he said, smirking. 

   "Wait, but we're in love... why would you do that?", I said, feeling the tears welling in my eyes. He said nothing, just smirked the beutiful smirk that I had grown to love. It was all a lie, all of it... all the love and passion, all the lust... it was a lie. I knew it was true, but I still couldn't believe it. I just had one more question to ask. "But we're both spies Hugh... both of us... I know it's true. So why? Why are you doing this? Making our operation a failure?" 

   For a moment, he looked stricken, but then that stupid horrible grin appeared on his face again. He looked proud, happy, like he had won. "Thank you. Now I have a recording of you admitting your espionage. And now, it's time for you to burn. Burn with the other traitors", he spat. He came up close to me, grabbed me around my neck and started dragging me away. The action was choking me, and paired with the haze from the drugs, it made me pass out in an instant. 

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