When She Was Bad- 2

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Lucy's POV

"Buffy!" Willow cheered, running over to Buffy, who had been gone all summer, so I guess it was fine that I wasn't greeted as excitedly, even though I pretty much saved Willow.

"Hey!" Xander greeted, hugging her as Buffy laughed.

"Hey. Hey, Will!"

"Man, your timing really doesn't suck."

"When'd you get back?"

"Uh, just now. Dad drove me down. I met Luce while she was patrolling. And I figured you two losers would be getting into some kind of trouble."

"I think we had the upper hand. In a subtle way."

"Does either of you even have a cross? Very sloppy."

"Well, it's been a slow summer. I mean, that's the first vampire we've seen since you killed the Master."

"It's like they knew I was coming back." We started walking around, when Xander did some weird jazz hands move at Buffy.

"So, what about you? How was your summer? Did you slay anything?"

"No. Uh, just hung out, partied some, shopping was also a major theme."

"Well, you haven't lost your touch. That vampire..."

"I did kinda whale on him, didn't I?"

"Yeah. I like your hair." Xander pointed out, making Buffy giggle.

"So, how did you guys fare? Did you have any fun without me?"

"No." "Yeah." "Meh." Xander, Willow and I answered respectively.

"Uh, our summer was kinda yawnworthy. Our biggest excitement was burying the Master." 

"That's right, you missed it. Right out by that tree." Willow stopped us, pointing to where we had to bury the Master. "Giles buried the bones and we poured holy water and we got to wear robes."

"Very intense. You shoulda been."

"Have you seen Giles?" I asked.

"Why would I do that? I'll see him at school."

"Man, I'm really glad you're back."

"Me, too. What about you Lucy? How did your mom take the whole Seer thing."

"I mean, she can my reasoning behind it, but uh... I think she's more pissed that my dad basically won the whole 'what-power-should-I-be-focusing-on' argument by default."

"What about you? How are you dealing with the whole... thing?" Buffy asked, trying to be sensitive.

"Fine." I told her, not wanting to talk about it too much, which luckily Buffy was able to pick up on. We carried on walking around the park until Buffy had to head back home.


We were at school the next day, all excited for our first day back at school with the useless teachers and the stuck up popular kids... Can you sense my sarcasm?

 Can you sense my sarcasm?

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(Lucy's Outfit)

I was trailing behind Willow and Xander, deciding to walk with Buffy who was being unusually quiet. Willow and Xander started racing down the stairs when they spotted Giles and Ms. Calendar.


"Yo! G-man! What's up?"

"Nice to see you. And don't ever call me that."

"Hi, kids." Ms. Calendar greeted to the two cheerful friends of mine (though I don't know how they can be so happy in the morning... at school!)

Buffy wandered over, still seeming out of it. Giles noticed and smiled at her kindly. "How are you?"

"Live and kicking."

"Buffy killed a vampire last night." Willow exclaimed, a little too loudly given that we were in the middle of the hallway. Not that anyone paid any attention.

"Uh, I think you can get a little more volume if you speak from the diaphragm." Buffy told her, surprising me since it was normally me who gave the snarky responses.


"We've got vampires? I thought the Hellmouth was closed."

"Well, it's closed, but not gone. The mystical energy that emanates from it is still concentrated in this area."

"Which means we're still the undead's favourite party town." Xander summed up, to which I replied with a sarcastic 'yay'.

" Xander summed up, to which I replied with a sarcastic 'yay'

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"I wonder if they're here for any purpose, particularly."

"You're the Watcher. I just work here."

"Yes, I-I must consult my books."

"Oh, 8 minutes and 33 seconds, pay up." Willow and I both handed Xander a dollar. "I called 10 minutes before you'd consult your books about something. Lucy had 15. Thanks."

"That is the last time I try to see the best in someone." I grumbled, before the bell rang.

"We better get to class." We started walking away, but Giles stopped us.

"Oh, uh, Buffy! Uh, I realise you've only just returned, but when you're ready I-I think we should start your training again."

"I'm ready. I'll see you after school."

"Well, I understand, if, if you want a few days to..."

"I'm ready."

"Very well. Lucy, I'll see you there too?" Giles asked, surprising me.

"Me? Still?" Giles nodded as he looked at me expectantly. "Um, yeah. I'll see you guys after school."


Giles and I watched as Buffy practiced her tumbling and kicks. Giles held up his hand pads as Buffy trained with her quarterstaff. I helped out by practicing sparring. I managed to knock her to the ground, but she was able to grab onto me and kick me over her head, which left me on the floor, winded.

After that, Buffy was practicing her punches on a wooden dummy. We saw her mind begin to drift away and she started punch harder and faster than we've ever seen before in training.

"Buffy, that's enough." Giles tried to grab her attention, but she carried on like she couldn't hear him. "Buffy!"

Finally, it seemed Buffy had reached her breaking point as she sent one last kick to the dummy which sent half of it soaring across the room.

"Uh, safe to say you've stayed in shape."

"I'm ready." Buffy declared, breathing heavily. "Whatever they've got coming next, I'm ready. Yeah."

Giles and I looked at each in concern about Buffy's strange behaviour.

The Strength of The Wolf is The Pack- Book two- BTVSWhere stories live. Discover now