When She Was Bad- 4

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Lucy's POV

"She's possessed!" Willow exclaimed to a confused Giles as we all sat in the student lounge discussing Buffy's recent behaviour.


"That's the only explanation that makes any sense. I mean, you should've seen her last night. That wasn't Buffy."

"Are we overlooking the idea that she may be very attracted to me?" Xander asked, but saw the looks we were all giving him and sighed. "She's possessed."

"Possessed by what?"

"A possessing thing!"

"Well, that narrows it down."

"Well, you're the expert. Hey, maybe when the Master killed her some... mystical bad guy transference thing happened."

"That's what it was! I mean, why else would she be acting like such a b-i-t-c-h?"

"Willow, I think we're all a little too old to be spelling things out."

"A bitca?" Xander asked confused which made me wonder how he was still alive at this point.

"A bitca?" Xander asked confused which made me wonder how he was still alive at this point

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"Yes. Well, what about you, Lucy? You've been awfully quiet." Giles pointed out.

"My mum's been teaching me 'if I haven't got anything nice to say, I shouldn't say anything at all'. Plus I don't like swearing in front of Willow, and now I don't like spelling in front of Xander." Both Willow and Xander gave me an offended look, but quickly turned back to Giles for an answer regarding Buffy.

"Well, anyway. I suggest that, uh, the explanation for her behaviour may be something more, more mundane." The bell rang and while all the students started leaving for class, Giles sat down to explain his theory. "She may simply have what you Americans refer to as issues. Uh, her experience with the Master must have been extremely traumatic. Well, she was, for at least a few minutes, technically dead."

Xander and I noticed Buffy standing by the doorway, watching us while Giles continued to talk about her. "I don't think she's dealt with that on a conscious level. She's convinced herself that she's invulnerable... for the very reason that she feels..."

""That's a very interesting point about trout, you just brought up now." Xander interrupted.

"Trout?" Giles asked, before he noticed Buffy. "Trout! Yes, trout, is a fish. Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

"Like a rock. Master's gone." Buffy replied, casually.

"I'm sorry?" 

"The Master. I went by his grave last night, and they have a vacancy."

"Good God!"

"What would somebody want with Master bones?"

"A trophy, a horrible conversation piece?"

"Or..." I started.

"They're gonna bring him back. They're gonna bring the Master back to life, and I seem to recall you telling me he was history."

"Buffy, I-I've never heard of a-a revivification ritual being successful."

"But you've heard of them? Thanks for the warning."

"Well, Buffy, Giles did bury him and..."

"Look, this is Slayer stuff, okay? Could we have just a little less from the civilians, please?" Buffy snapped at Willow which was a last straw not only for me, but for Xander too.

"Okay, that's just about enough!" Xander yelled at Buffy.

"No, Xander. She's right. After all we are nothing compared to the great Slayer who needs no one and nothing." I said, standing up and facing off with Buffy who glared back.

"If I see a moon that needs howling at, then maybe I'll give you a call." Buffy retorted as we locked eyes, both of us refusing to back down.

"I believe some of us have class? And some of us have jobs." Snyder barked. I stared at Buffy for a second longer before I grabbed my bag and stormed off.


I was in the library with the gang, but I was pointedly trying to ignore Buffy. We were researching the ritual that supposedly could bring back the Master.

"Alright, alright, I've got something. It's Latin, so bear with me. Uh, to revive the vampire they need his bones, uh... which they have, and, um, the blood... this is very unclear, of the closest person... uh, someone connected to the vampire."

"That'd be me."


"We were close. We killed each other. It really promotes togetherness."

"Well, is there anything on when the ceremony might take..." Xander started but a rock crashing through the window interrupted him. While Xander and Giles ducked out of the way, but Buffy caught with rock with ease. Show off. She held the rock up revealing that a bracelet had been used to wrap a note around it. 

 "This is Cordelia's." Buffy noted, before taking it off to read the note. "'Come to the Bronze before it opens, or we make her a meal.'"

"They're gonna cook her dinner?" Xander exclaimed before he paused when he realised what he had said. "I'll pretend I didn't say that."

"I don't think I can." I admitted, still amazed how someone can be that dim.

"What do we do?" Willow asked, while Xander shoved my shoulder.

"I go to the Bronze and save the day." Buffy resolved, getting ready to leave.

"I don't like this."

"Nor I!" Giles agreed with Xander.

"Yeah? Well, you guys aren't going."

"What do you mean?" Willow asked.

"I can't do it anymore. I can't look after the three of you guys while I'm fighting."

"Well, what about the rest of the note?"

"What rest of the note?"

"The part that say, 'P.S. This is a trap'?"

"You'll be playing straight into their hands."

"I can handle this."

"Stop saying that!" Willow finally snapped at Buffy. "God, what's wrong with you?"

"Cordelia may be dead."

"This is my fight." Buffy told us determinedly as we watched her grab her coat and bag and walk off into what was probably a trap.


Giles continued researching the ritual, Willow and Xander discussed Buffy and her recent attitude, while I was still seething in my chair after everything Buffy and I had said to each other.

"I still think we should've gone with her."

"Buffy's about to lose it." Xander dismissed. "I think we should be trying to reach minimum safe distance."

"Xander, you know it's a trap! Lucy, help me out here."

"I am not putting either of you at risk when Buffy doesn't even want us there. She made her bed, now she can lie it."

"Ah! Ah, ah! Uh, the Latin is, is translated from the Sumerian, and rather badly. Closest to the Master actually translates as 'nearest'. Physically. The, the person or persons who were with him... when he... It is a trap." Giles looked up in fear, while I tensed up sensing what was behind me. "It just isn't for her."

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