forge of the heart

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I woken up in the middle of the night. I had left Anne sleeping pushing the blankets up on her I went out alone to quickly take bathroom break when I heard the bushes Rustle with each Rustle I kept a close eye around but when I finished I just had stopped looking until.. *bang*
I had seen the bullet miss me by just a few inches which meant warning to me "I see you ain't getting away easy my daughter you don't deserve damn it you hear me?!"
I looked at him calmly but still felt the tension in my chest as he poked the shotgun to it "I know I don't. But she wanted me and I wanted her, I didn't force her to I don't quite get why I'm such the bag guy here when your the one holding me hostage in the end sir.." he slowly pointed the gun back down "I don't want her as a vortex..that name disgusts me..your father killed my wife.
And with that I put the pieces together to understand why he said what he said. "But sir..I'm not like them at all. Please just give me a chance to prove it to you"
He has slowly calmed down but his Anger soon peaked up again aiming it at my head
"Prove it right now then. PROVE YOU'RE NOT ONE OF THEM"
I skillfully grabbed the gun by its neck But the gun went off into my leg
"FUCK!" I screamed in agony which I had assumed woke up Anne which it definitely did.
Her dad smirked "see he's as stupid as the rest the vortex thinking just because he gets with my daughter he has respect his family killed your mom Anne don't you get it! Vortex's are bad!"
Anne quickly stood up for my justice but she quickly had fell as quickly as she stood which ticked me off in the end, I had stood up injured taking her dad to the floor making sure he stayed down. But with me now injured in both my right leg and upper left arm. I knew I was done for I saw Anne's face tear but I didn't know why until my hearing went out and all I heard left was "NAVEL NO! DADDY NO PL-" *bang* which ended in the dead silence.. nothing but black I felt my mouth fill with blood but I couldn't do anything. Once dead, it's done.

the stone heart Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora