Jack Sparrow - servitude part 2

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AS REQUESTED - PART 2 ladies and gents :)


She retreated to her quarters and began packing her stuff in the case that Beckett had given to her. She hummed herself a tune she had learned from the books she read in her past time that she got living here. "A pirates life for me", in her mind it was more slow than fast as that's how life seemed to go. Elongating it made her life last a lot longer.

A man appeared in the doorway, his dark features in the edge of the doorframe leaned up against it with his sleeves rolled up revealing his tanned arms and brandished body from the EIC. From Beckett.

"You know that song?"

"I do," she said, quietly turning back to packing.

"Where did you learn it?"

"From a book,"

"You don't talk much," she shook her head at his statement. "We leave before sunrise, love."

He turned around and exited the room as she heard Beckett giving him what sounded like an alcoholic beverage. He exclaimed in slight glee, swallowing it in one go. Once she had her bags packed she walked out the door in silence next to the jack sparrow that seemed to be taking her to illusionary freedom.

As she walked out she breathed and exhaled deeply, looking at the horizon and wondering if she'd make it as far as ten feet without being dragged back inside. Continuing walking, Jack placed a hand on her shoulders making them both stop midway in the middle of the road.

"What?" She asked. "Are you taking me back?"

"No... just look," she looked ahead and saw the beautiful sky. "Imagine that, but every day."

"Hmm." Was all she could say and they continued walking.

Jack never pried or asked her anymore question until they boarded the large ship ahead and dropped her bags into jacks captains quarters. He greeted all his crew as they prepared the vessel to take off from the port. She perched herself on the edge of the bed still staring into blankness as she felt herself begin to relax a little but still unsure. She hadn't questioned anything or really said a word as that was all she was used to. And now it dawned on her that whatever was going to happen wherever she was going she had no idea.

Jack knocked on the door... something she wasn't used to. He then opened it with two bottles of rum in hand he handed her one and sat beside her. His hand wound round her shoulders and let her head rest upon his. Again without saying a word.

"Freedom... it's not about the place, or the people," he spoke softly, his finger pointing to her head. "It's all in here."

She took a swig of the bottle of rum and took her head off his shoulder.

"I don't remember what that's like,"

His face expressed a surprise that she has spoken.

"How long has it been?"

"I don't remember," she looked at him, examining his features as though he couldn't see she was staring. "I've seen an image of you before."

"On a wanted poster?"


"Well, love. They want us for all sorts of things,"

"I know they do,"

"Beckett I'm guessing?"

"Always..." and once again she was staring at him.

"What? Have I got a peanut in my hair?" He swiped at his hair, and he let out a small smile when he saw she was smiling too. "Maybe not."

"It's nothing," she sat back down beside him again and for the first time in forever a blush krept to her cheeks.

"You sure?"

"Yeah," she stared at Jack again, taking another swig of the rum. "It's been a long time since I actually spoke. I feel like I'm learning to walk again."

"It'll take time," he was staring at her intently now, the alcohol was taking its course in her body, loosening her tongue as she barely drank anyway. "Shame they kept you locked away."


He put a piece of hair behind her ear, the roughness of his hands feeling soft against her skin sensing emotions running through her veins. His hand then cupped her face, gripping it slightly in his grasp leaning forward to kiss her soft lips. She let out a slight sound of satisfaction, until he released his hand and lips from her.

"You're gorgeous,"

She blushed again and said nothing placing her rum down on the floor and placing her hand on his chest, her other on the bed. She leaned forward and gently kissed his lips, as she did so, he placed his hand on her bare thigh where her dress had rolled up, his rough hand on her bare skin. As they broke the kiss temporarily she signed in satisfaction.

"Maybe freedom is the person,"

"I think you've had too much rum, love."

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