☁️ Sickness and In Health (1)☁️

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(Humanized, and honor, they're married)

-/-: 📄 :-/-
It had been almost a day since I've seen OJ. Which is usually.. iffy. But, OJ normally turns out fine after a cup of coffee and a decent night of rest.

Not this time.

Now in the bathroom of our room. I'm standing behind him, holding back his hair and keeping a glass of water nearby. While he, well, throws up.

He had spent almost a full day just straight up working. He said he was fine today, just a sore throat and a headache in the morning. Guess he was wrong.

By the time he's finished regurgitating the single sandwich he ate for dinner earlier, he said he wasn't that hungry. He just was left panting. Holding onto the bowl of the toilet for dear life.

"Hey, you alright hun?" I ask, before adding on, "wait, sorry your throat must be sore.."

I grabbed the glass of water, leading it up the his lips. He's slowly nodding to sleep. I won't be able to carry him if he does fall asleep. Guess we're camping in the bathroom.

I let him drink about one quarter of the cup before slowly extracting it from him.

I smile at OJ, "so.. do you wanna head to bed or stay here?"

I hope he answers. Maybe his voice is still too sore? Wait, no stop overthinking this Paper.

Replying OJ hummed, "bed.." he said uncharacteristically, with a deeper pitch to his voice.

Almost guilty I have to tell him, "alright then! Come on you can kind of lean on me if you need too."

We're not going too far. Maybe just a couple steps till we get into our room? But still, he's sick. OJ doesn't get sick often.

But regardless, I help OJ to his feet, and we slowly walked back into our room. He was a bit wobbly, and unbalanced.

Otherwise, I was able to get OJ into bed. And the second he was in the sheets he just knocked out. Although I should've check his temperature before we left the bathroom, damn it.

Instead of grabbing a thermometer, like I should've, I just gently laid my hand over his forehead.

Hot. Definitely sick or something. He's not going back to work in the hotel tomorrow. I'll have to get someone to take over his shift. Maybe I will.

I'll also have to stop by Tissue's, he might have some medication.

Besides that. Paper just decides to go back into the bathroom. He could've grabbed the thermometer, but he already could tell OJ was sick. No need to make both him and OJ more worried about it.

He grabbed a simple rag, one they kept for mostly washing hands but it'll have to work. He poured some cold water on it.

He went back over to OJ. Placing it on his forehead in an attempt to get him to cool down.

Half awake at this point, Paper decided just to kiss OJ on the cheek. And head over to his side of the bed to sleep.

(Hii, this is only part one of this one shot. I don't why, but I've been so uninterested in writing for a week now. And I've been feeling bad so, I'm posting this first part out early. Next chapter it'll be OJ's POV!)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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