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In an open stadium, crowds of thousands filled the place not leaving a single spot empty, all waiting in anticipation and excitement for one person, colorful lights spotting in the middle where massive stage was located which will be the center of attention. as the less time remaining, the more exciting shouts could be heard. just than a beautiful figure dressed in an designer black silk short skirt and bralette, with short bob haircut, smokey eyes and dark red lipstick made her way under the spotlight, she raised her hand which held a mic to her lips and welcome her beloved audience. she was more excited than anyone else present here. she look around with a big smile on her face and spoke something with made the crowd cheer even more louder.

Before starting her first concert, she closed her eyes to thank the stars for giving her strength to fight for her dream, she thank her music which was her only constant companion who didn't leave her in her journey. she for a millisecond thought about her family whom she had left behind, her in-laws who always look down on her, her friends who betrayed her, and thought about her husband who was drown in his own miseries and was never there for her. she then open her eyes and look at her people who were cheering for her and at that moment she realized that all her suffering were worth it.

HIS ESTRANGED WIFEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora