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As everyone went on their own way to work, leaving only three ladies in the house. kuveera just finished cleaning the kitchen and was going to her room when she turn her way and her feet stopped right in front of that room which was forbidden for her to enter, not just her but this room which was her husband's study room was forbidden for anyone to enter. she didn't know what will be the consequences if anyone got to know about her breaking the unwritten rule of the family, but she was tired, to tired to care about anyone in this family.

She opened the door and went inside, taking in all the corners of the room, their was just a huge study table and chair in the middle of the room, the table had computer and some books. there were also two large size cupboards with glass doors opposite to each other, two huge windows on one side of the wall which made sunlight pass through the room brightly. one cupboard was full of books which she was not interested to look at, but another one got her attention, there were many pictures and small things decorated nicely, she look closely and got stunned, the photos must be of a decade ago, from school uniform to college coats, many different happy faces of teenagers but her attention was on one which also had the brightest smile she had never seen, a handsome young man, full of energy, life, and happiness, complete opposite of a man which was her husband now. she for the first time thought that the man she lived with was quite handsome with beautiful hazel brown eyes, tall straight nose, sharp jaw, height six feet two inches, skin fair. she immediately shake her head when she got her senses back.

you must be looking like a creep, staring so intensely ! she exclaimed mentally

She didn't want to snooped around to much, she just want to take back her passport and some other documents which she for sure was confident about that it must be kept here. her father became paranoid when she had run away from home and would keep all her documents and passport with himself, so he must had given dhruv all her important documents and it must be here as she didn't find it in their room. just when she opened the first drawer, she saw bunch of letters and photos which consist of two people, more like a couple. she saw her husband lovingly gazing at some unknown women with a pretty smile on his face, she saw some pictures where of them hugging, in some pictures they were kissing, some were of them looking at each other as if they were the only two people in the world. she kept all the photo's on the table and looked outside the window numbly, she don't know why but looking at this pictures of them so happy made her uncomfortable and her heart also ached a little.

She look down when some thing hit her foot, she found a diary and picked it up, opened it without any second thought while muttering 'fuck the privacy'. she directly open the last written page which had yesterday's date on the top,


Dear Nia, 

'After leaving, how far apart are we now?

However far away, wherever you may be, i know it hurts, but without anyone knowing, let me love you in silence.

Just like a sharp blade that becomes dull over time, just until that pain starts to dull, let me love alone.'

Today, eight years and four months passed since you left me and i am still in a same place looking for you to save me. i am just how you left me, living in darkness. why did you go! why! now I don't even have anything to write anymore as my mind is just as blank as this remaining piece of paper.

but still,

today i had a very busy day, i performed three surgeries back to back, it was all successful, everyone said god should bless me as i save someone close to them but how should i tell them that i hate their god, i don't believe in their god. 

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