Part 2

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Omni-Man woke up to the sound of scraping. He was welcomed by the warm breeze from the makeshift fireplace at the far end of the room.

A mysterious figure wearing a hoodie was knelt down in front of the fire. He was poking a stick at the fire and that was where the scraping sound was coming from.

Nolan Grayson sat up and realized he was on a battered up mattress.

"Finally awake I see." The mysterious figure said without looking at him.

I know that voice. Omni-Man thought.

The hero swiftly flew to the figure and removed his hoodie. Immortal stared back at him.

"I thought you were-"

"Dead?" Immortal interrupted him.

"Well, yes." Omni-Man replied sitting back down against the fireplace.

"I was the only survivor amongst the Guardians you killed." Immortal told him still poking the stick at the fire.

"Where are we?" Omni-Man looked around and realized they were in a cave.

"I call it home now." Immortal answered.

"What happened?"

"Gizmo Girl." Immortal replied throwing the stick into the flames. "She launched some sort of attack, killing herself, and all the universe in the process."

Omni-Man was lost for words.

"Yes, I'm the only survivor." Immortal continued. "I saw you appear in the desert, all torn apart. I guess you're from the past as you disappeared one day during Gizmo Girl's first attack."


"Where is Omni-Man?!" Invincible slammed his fists down at the table breaking into two pieces.

He was in an interrogation room with Gizmo Girl who was out of her robot now and completely defenseless.

"Invincible." Cecil put a caring hand on Mark's shoulder. "Let's take this outside."

Invincible hesitated but finally succumbed to Cecil's request. Both of them exited the interrogation room and in the hallway, Eve and Rex were waiting.

"So, did you get any answers from her?" Eve asked with genuine concern on her face.

Mark shook his head then removed his mask. "I don't know how we're gonna get Dad back."

Suddenly, an alarm blared.

Cecil reached a finger to his comm. "There's an intergalactic threat. Some twenty-foot alien demanding a match with the strongest being on this planet."

Cecil, Eve, and Rex blinked, and Invincible was gone.


There was a sandy wind blowing in their faces. Omni-Man and Immortal were taking a walk outside though the wind was against them.

Nolan couldn't believe his eyes. There was nothing in sight. Only a vast desert.

"Believe me now?" Immortal asked.

"Mark. Debbie. They're all gone." Omni-Man sighed.

"There might be a way to get back to them." Immortal said.

All of a sudden, Omni-Man took hold of the collars of the hoodie Immortal was wearing. "Tell me now or I'll kill you for good."

"Relax." Immortal raised both his hands in the air. "I would've gone there myself. But evil lurks there."


"Gizmo Girl's lab."


The gigantic alien had blue skin and was waving a colossal scythe in his grasp. His footsteps were destroying nearby buildings. Invincible appeared just in time to save a child from debris.

"Who has come to oppose me?" The alien asked raising his scythe in the air.

Invincible flew and stood in the air in front of the alien's face.

"Leave now or you'll be sorry." Mark warned showing his fists.

The alien chuckled. "Puny human. I'll kill you in seconds."

"Invincible don't take him on alone!" Eve yelled.

She and Rex had finally reached Invincible and the villain.

"You guys take care of the people here." Invincible told them and stared right into the alien's eyes. "He's mine."

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