no one is innocent

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A men reading a diary and thinking something which accident is he talking about men he is behind downfall of obroy it cant be
Knock knock I am coming a girl with black hair and pale skin enter in room the room was clean some books and paper on table scattered like he was trying to find something yes why are you early today what about your meeting he asked the girl it was cancelled by coustmer girl said she sighed and disappointment come on her face he come close to her its ok it is not your fault she hugged him I know its look like you are busy she said while lookin at the table yes kind of I am sorry ' the boy said with guilt 'no its ok its look like you are really interested in this case do what you are doing we will go on date net Sunday 'she said with a smile ''thankyou honey '' the boy said and kissed her forehead girl go out of the room with blushing face
Now what should I do with this he go to the table take his phone dial a no
Hello shruti I have something to ask about it is your uncle and aunty case
I will tell you face to face
Ok come to my office
He hung up the phone
In office the office is in mess itself and women is sitting onground with some papers in hhannd
Knock knock mam its me arjun may I come
Yes you can the women said her face have dark circles which show she have not take rest for days and her hairs were messy and if a person can smell then they can smell the food which is half eaten on table
Mam I want to know about your researce about that case arjun said in hurry
Why may I know why are you perticulary interested in my uncle aunty s case she asked because she can feel something is fishy the way he want it is not for project then why
Mam it is a long story but he hesitated for a while in that time she get up and go on her table take kettle and connect it while water was boiling she asked tell me fast I am busy as you see
Mam yesterday someone send me a dairy and if what dairy says is right then your uncle and auntys case is related to the writer he said in one blow because he don't know If she will believe him or not
Show me dairy she said
He show her the dairy she take the dairy and look at it so who is writer she asked I don't know ok if this is a prank I swear I will kill you he got goosebumps she started reading the dairy while drinking coffee
After 2 hours
So where in bus station she asked in serious tone
In xyz city
ok lets wait for three days then lets go
but aren't you busy mam he said with guilt
yes I am help me arranging these paper you know I had bad feeling about it she go to her table open a drawer see this is report of case I know there was something missing my uncle was a simple office worker he don't own a car so how did he learn about car mechanics and also how to make bomb so I asked him and her personally but he refuse to answer at that time my superior told me may be he learned everything from net but I don't believe it cause they don't know a lot about technology and how can they make a perfect plan like that
see first thing they do after his accident was surrender like they were told by someone to do at perfect time but who I tried to carry on my research but I cant because my superior dismiss me
so may I know more about case arjun asked as he come forward towards the table
on July 25
mr oberoys car suddenly balst when he sit inside it at first police carry on its investigation
in investigation they found that someone put a time bomb in his car but bomb was not ordinary someone made it at home after seeing the report I personally go to check there as detective I tried to understand who might be killer I searched for people who can get something by the death of mr oberoy there were only three people his wife his son and his competitor mr bansal I go and talk to them personally I don't find anything strange they have reason but they were not killer so I was checking if I can find any evidence but suddenly my superior called me and tell me killers surrender and they are related to me so I cant participate in case cause I was trying to prove there innocence when all proofs were against them
what proofs
all material to make bomb was found in his house and they have there fingerprint on them
and reason
he killed my big brother who was working in a bar he somehow listen something which he shouldn't and tried to inform police about it at first no one believed but later after investigation we found mr oberoys connection with underworld see these are reports I made
do you guys know what they were talking about in bar
no we don't we only know someone meet him there that person was wearing mask
she to the board and start writing things related to diary and case

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