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I was running, bolting through the streets with no particular destination but just wanting to get away from that haunting scene. The street lights were barely illuminating the road and it was mostly dark. The houses were lined up by my sides but there wasn't a single soul anywhere. I was sweating, tears were running down my cheeks. My clothes were sticking to skin and my hair was flying in every direction. My heart was running miles faster than my feets and there was only one feeling inside me. Fear...

"Run" something whispered eerily against my ears and I stumbled over my own feet and fell. I was up and running in a second because I can't be caught right now.

"Run away" It whispered again but there was no one near me. The voice was ringing in my ears, numbing me. I ran faster but the voice was with me in every lap turning my bones into jelly and my mind into a blank sheet. I was exhausted to the point of collapsing but I kept running. I-


I jolted up by hearing my mom's voice. My breaths were laboured and my forehead and the hairs around it were drenched in sweat. It was a nightmare...I stopped having these nightmares for almost a year now. I thought I was getting alright but it came back today. Why now? I was not okay. I was never okay. I ran a hand down my face to clear my head but dread was settling in wondering what is the meaning of all this. My body felt hot and my sweating increased. I heard my mom's voice again calling me.

I looked up towards the clock and realised it was 7 am. She called me again and I got up from my bed because I need to get ready for school. Ugh. I prefer to sleep over going to school but since my sweet sleep is ruined by my nightmare and I am a sincere student, I need to get up and let go of the dread to maintain my reputation. I try to get ready for school while convincing myself that the nightmare meant nothing. It was a weak try but I have to be rational to study.

"Misty are you awake or I have to come up to kick your ass."

"I am awake mom!"

"Good then. Come down quickly or you will get late."

"I am coming."

I quickly brushed my teeth, took a shower and headed downstairs where my mom and dad were eating their respective breakfast. They were having some boring conversation in which I didn't want to be part of so I sat down and quietly ate my breakfast. After finishing my food I said goodbye to dad and headed outside with my mom. Actually my mom drives me to school and then goes to her office but I have to come home by myself. Still it is convenient to have someone to drop me to school. The drive to school was mostly quiet besides me and my mom having small talks in between. I tried to forget about the nightmare and act normal so she doesn't suspect anything wrong with me. It worked. She dropped me and I said bye to her and marched towards the entry of my school.


When I reached my locker I saw a couple making out next to my locker which was gross. I hate people doing these things open in the school hallways. Get a room for god's sake!  But then I recognised the couple, Roy Collins and Chloe Stephens. They are the most popular couple in the whole school. Roy is the captain of the rugby team and Chloe is one the hot and pretty cheerleaders. Both were very famous individually even before they were dating. They kind of have been friends and then they started dating 5 months ago and the whole school was happy for them because they are suitable for each other. Roy is every girl's dream boy with a perfect body, caramel eyes, with the most charming smile and kind personality. Every girl even boys wants to be with him or someone close to him. Roy is my ultimate crush since I don't know when but I like him a lot. On top of that he is my neighbour staying just in front of my house. He knows me and greets me whenever we see each other. We aren't close like friends and I don't even want that because I know he has a girlfriend and being close with him will just ignite my feelings more and more. Like that I will always get hurt after seeing them together, I still do but that will be different. I know he is never going to be with me and I am also in the process of getting over him though it's difficult.

Roy notices me standing there awkwardly and breaks the kiss with Chloe. Chloe looks pretty annoyed by the sudden departure but doesn't complain either.

"Sorry" he apologizes and takes Chloe with him disappearing from my sight. What a start of my day. Seeing my crush making out with his girlfriend first thing entering the school. The day already got cursed because of- you know just forget it. I try to not be bothered by these things but sometimes I can't help it. They are a couple and it's normal for them to act like this, that's what couples do! This is what I try to tell myself every fucking time. Don't mind and move on.

I head to my first class and find my friend already seated. I sit beside her and notice her looking grumpy. Something's definitely wrong because she didn't even greet me. She is full of energy all of the time but not now.

"What happened mace?" I ask her a bit worried.She sighs and looks at me.

"Max forgot about our anniversary and we fought." She informs me. Max Lee is her boyfriend and the third member of our trio MMM. We have been friends since middle school and I have no one except these two. We are super close with each other and know every single secret of ours. Macy liked him a long time ago and Max used to like her way before she liked him. I knew about it all of the time but gave them the time to realise each other's feelings. They realised it and started dating since then. They have been dating for a year now and today is their anniversary.  Macy was very excited for today because yesterday she was explaining to me everything she was going to do today. She was hella excited and I can understand how upset she is now.

"Are you okay? I will talk to him about this and give him some peace of mind. He really made the biggest mistake by upsetting my best friend and I will not let him get off the hook!" I tried to console her but it was in vain.

"You don't need to do that Mist. I am okay." she tried to convince me but her tone and expression was telling me otherwise. She bought a new dress and if anyone saw her today might have thought it was her birthday.  Macy was wearing a cute flowy pink dress that reached her mid thigh. Her makeup was done perfectly and she was looking gorgeous. The only flaw of her look was her sad and disappointed face.

She is not a single bit okay. I am always a third wheel between these two but they never make me feel left out. But if they are fighting and I don't do anything about it, it is never going to happen. I wanted to say something cheerful to boost her mood but the teacher entered and the class started. Macy was not focusing on what the teacher was saying and instead she was scribbling or doodling something in her book.

I need to talk to Max and get my cheerful and blunt best friend back again.


So that was our first chapter!
What do you think about it? Did you like it?
Let me know your thoughts through comments.
The second chapter will be up soon. So see ya! Thank you!

Frozen WhispersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora