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I was sitting at Misty's bed with Max splayed out by my side. I was angry and upset at him for not remembering our anniversary and even considering breaking up. He surprised me with his apology during school hours getting on his knees and he was almost crying. I couldn't comprehend how my heart almost burst out at his seriousness to win me back. I love him too much to put him in that situation again. I am not so good at communication and I can become worse in emotional situations. But I know it's my fault too for not communicating and fixing the problem with him. I am trying to improve that bad habit but the only person I can communicate well with is my Misty. She called us after school finished while we were driving back from the cinemas. She said something crazy...Like CRAZY!

Austin Stephens asked her to be friends with him then he invited her to eat lunch with him and then he invited her to a party! Which she agreed to go to...she is definitely pranking us because I refuse to believe it is true. But I know Misty won't go berserk over something that hasn't happened. She would prefer to spend her valuable time studying and shit. She is a nerd like that. It's sometimes hard to believe that we are besties. But I love her and I know she loves me too.

Now here she is pacing her room like tomorrow is an important exam for which she is not prepared. That reason would fit more in her situation. I watch her panicked expression mumbling something like 'why did I even agree to go' or 'what the hell have I done'. My little sugary cupcake Misty...she is adorable like that. Stressing over a mere party which is not a big deal for most people but her. She made certain about not attending any party after what happened last year which I am to blame for. I forced her to go to that party and she regretted going ever because a friend of mine who threw up at her. I learned my lesson and never forced her again. But this situation is different.

"Stop. Come here." I widen my arms gesturing her towards me. She steps in my arms and I gently pull her down on the bed with me tugging her close to me. Max also joins us from my other side, three of us hugging each other with me in the middle.

"If you don't want to go then tell Austin. He will understand or if he doesn't then I will take care of him." I said while brushing her soft curls.

"Yeah you don't have to force yourself Mist." Max said agreeing with me.

"No. I want to go and I already promised him so I can't back out right now." She whispered against my chest.

"But doesn't it all sound crazy? You said he was always interested in talking to you and he was nervous to approach you. Austin Stefens and nervous?!" I exaggerate. "It's not we know him personally but we know enough he is not a nervous type. I bet he has feelings for you."

"Feelings my foot. It can be some kind of plan of his to fool Misty. All these years he never showed interest in her and suddenly he wants to be besties? This all only sounds suspicious." Max spits clearly having opposite thoughts than me.

"Why would he want to fool me Max?" Misty asks prompting her up on her elbows so she can see Max from my other side. I lay on my back so they can face each easily.

"He can be given some dare to make friends with Misty and then make her fall in love with him. You know Misty is the only girl in our school who has never dated anyone and doesn't show interest in boys much. We also know that dares like these are common because I have seen girls and boys cry over someone who only talked to them because of a dare and hurt their feelings. Bastards like them don't care who gets hurt but just get enjoyment out of the whole thing." Max answered with burning rage.

There he goes overthinking. I roll my eyes at his response. He always acts like this when any boy tries to be friends with our Mist. Part of her being single until now is his protectiveness over her. He can be an overbearing elder brother sometimes. But I get him because I don't want some asshole hurting my best friend too.

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