Chapter 18: A Waning Dawn

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After the stressful discovery within the derilect, Robin decides it's time to enlighten a certain someone about the truth behind their journey.

Meanwhile Ryley struggles to take everything in stride however the hermit begins to question his resolve after witnessing the infected precursor.

Meanwhile Al-an finds himself in a sticky situation when the architect decides to leave to complete self imposed responsibilities..

All assuming they have more time then they really do...


Finally this chapter is done heading closer to the end of this arc! °v°

Theme Song for this chapter:

Thanks for sticking around!


The architect hesitated, his vessel prickled as he moved, a distraction the hyper vigilant alien's senses stuttered on, and with it a wave of apprehensive nausea coiled within his crawling vessel, still he does not drop his kin's cerebral medium..

"AL-AN! WAIT! WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR!? TELL US SO WE CAN HELP!" Robin yelled somewhere to his side, her muted footfalls chasing after him as her frantic architect rampaged through the ship, she sounded panicked and yet her voice was also desaturated, muffled, eons away from him, drowned out by the sounds of his own vessel struggling to filter the rapidly spreading infection from his failing system..

Around him the world was closing in, the once flooded lab turned into a the empty containment facility was shrinking by the second, it's cold sterile walls deteriorated diminished over the span of a millennium of disuse.

Its floors blemished with the colorful infectious blood of his caste...

His own infected blood.



No. It was not, his vessel was stable, there was no indication that he had contracted the bacteria again..

Robin had inoculated them both.

"AL-AN?!" Robin's worried voice blooms into color, sounding clear and unmuffled, and all at once the precursor finds his vessel back within the derelict ship, his kin's fading neuro conduit still trapped within his claws as he stood motionless heaving for air he didn't need, all the while his humans were anxiously awaiting information he was failing to provide.

Had he simply froze in the midst of his search...?

"We need an external storage medium, one should be here, I am experiencing..difficulties locating it.." He admitted quickly, he was too numb to feel the shame of his failure but recognised it all the same.

And yet to his confusion.

Despite only one truly familiar with the contraption in which Al-an had requested, both human's reaction were immediate, there was no questions only action, time was of the essence and he was failing them, had the precursor been in possession of a healthier headspace he would have noted the heavy weight of gratitude but also something deeper.

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