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Rohan pov

Anger surged through my veins as I stormed into my room, slamming the door shut behind me. How could my mother have made such a decision without consulting me?

Tia was my friend, yes. But friendship and marriage were two very different things. I knew her well, but did I know her well enough to spend the rest of my life with her? Her saving my mother's life did not obligate me to marry her.

Moments later, my mother knocked on my door and entered, her eyes pleading with me. 'Beta,' she began, 'Tia is a wonderful girl. She's kind, she's beautiful, and she'll make you very happy.'

'Why is this so important to you, Ma?' I demanded.

'There's a reason,' she said, her voice quavering. 'Your grandfather's will.'

My heart sank. 'What about it?'

'He stipulated that you must be married before you turn 31, or his entire estate will go to a charity,' she explained. 'Your birthday is next month.'

I felt a surge of frustration. 'I'm turning 30, Ma. I'm not ready for marriage yet.'

'You're old enough, Rohan,' she insisted. 'You're mature. You'll be a great father.'

But I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. 'Ma, there's something you're not telling me,' I said. 'Why are you so desperate to see me married?'

She sighed heavily. 'It's...complicated. But I promise you, it's for your own good.'

'I don't want to get married,' I protested. 'I don't want to start a family that a child will inherit my pain.'

My mother's eyes widened in surprise. 'Your pain? What are you talking about?'

'I'm not your real son,' I blurted out. 'You and Papa adopted me when I was five years old. My real parents threw me away like trash when I was just a baby.'

The realization dawned on her face, and she gasped. 'Oh, Rohan...I didn't know you felt that way.'

'I don't want to be a father and pass on the cycle of hurt,' I whispered.

My mother drew me into her arms and held me tight. 'You won't be like them,' she said. 'You're a good man, Rohan. You have so much love to give.'

She pulled away and looked me in the eye. 'I'm not going to force you to do anything you don't want to do,' she said. 'But please...consider Tia. She deserves a chance to make you happy.'

I knew she was right. Tia was a good person, and she did make me happy. But the thought of getting married and having a family of my own still terrified me.

I looked at my mother, her eyes filled with a mixture of love and concern. 'I need some time to think,' I said.

She nodded. 'Take all the time you need.'

With a heavy heart, she left my room, and I was alone with my thoughts once more. I had to find a way to resolve this dilemma that would appease my mother, honor my own feelings, and protect the innocent child who could potentially be born into my future.
Tia had been a constant in my life ever since she saved my mother's life. But did I love her romantically? I had never considered it before.

Just then, my phone buzzed. It was a text from Tia, asking to meet the next day. I knew why.

A heavy weight settled upon my shoulders. I had two choices: Marry Tia and secure my inheritance, or risk losing everything I had worked so hard for. The latter would be devastating, but could I bring myself to start a family built on a lie?

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