Cherished Bonds

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Babar stirred in his bed, reluctantly awakened by the persistent ringing of his phone. Irritation clouded his groggy mind; he hadn't slept well, and the intrusion of the call only added to his frustration. However, as he glanced at the caller ID and saw Kane's name flashing on the screen, annoyance quickly melted away, replaced by a warm, affectionate smile.

With eager anticipation, Babar reached for his phone and answered, his heart racing with excitement. "Heyyyy, love," Kane's voice greeted him, instantly filling the air with warmth. Babar's cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and delight. Despite three years together, the giddiness of their connection remained as fresh as it was in the beginning.

"Hi, Kane," Babar replied softly, his voice betraying his bashfulness, eliciting a chuckle from Kane. "I just absolutely love your sleepy voice, Babar," Kane confessed, his words dripping with adoration, causing Babar to chuckle in response. It was a simple exchange, but to Babar, it felt like a cherished moment shared between two souls deeply in love.

In the eyes of the world, Babar might be a confident cricket team captain, but in the presence of Kane, he couldn't help but feel like a high school girl standing before her crush, awash with a sweet, intoxicating mix of nerves and affection.

"How was the journey, babe?" Babar asked, his tone soft and warm.

Kane, on the other end of the line, let out a theatrical sigh, his voice filled with longing. "It was nice," he replied, his words tinged with a touch of melancholy. "But you know, things just aren't as sweet without you around."

Babar's laughter, though muffled by the phone, was unmistakable, a melody that danced through the air. "You're unbelievable, Kane," he said affectionately, his fondness evident even through the receiver.

Kane couldn't help but smile, his heart fluttering at the sound of Babar's laughter. "Hmm, yeah, unbelievably down bad for you, love," he teased, his voice filled with playful affection.

Babar's blush was evident, though masked by amusement. "God, what did you eat today, sweetheart? I'm starting to get worried," he joked, his words laced with affectionate teasing.

Kane chuckled, "Is it now forbidden for me to engage in flirtation solely with the one and only love of my life, my cherished boyfriend?" he quipped, his voice brimming with love. "Alas, how cruel fate has become!"

Babar's laughter echoed, a symphony of joy and love. And as they continued their conversation, their banter and affection bridging the distance between them, Kane's heart swelled with love for the man he truly loves.

"You're so cute, Kane," Babar's said shaking his head fondly, his voice brimming with warmth.

Kane's grin was practically audible as he responded, "Tell me something I already don't know, Babar."

Babar rolled his eyes, his longing evident in his voice as he confessed, "I love you and miss you so fucking much. Why did you have to be born all the way in New Zealand when you could've literally been a Pakistani?"

Kane let out a sigh, acknowledging the distance between them. "I hate this too, but thank god I ain't Pakistani. Just imagine you and Rizwan opening in T20s and me coming on one down. God, we would literally abolish this format," he said with a chuckle.

Babar couldn't help but laugh loudly at the thought. Kane adored the sound, relishing every moment of their conversation, despite the miles that separated them.

As their conversation lingered on, there came a knock on Babar's door. "I'm getting late for practice, babe, will talk to you later, 'k?" Babar said with a hint of frustration in his voice.

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