Mending Souls

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Babar meticulously tidied his room. A bath later, he emerged refreshed, clad in fresh clothes, yet his cheeks still bore the flush of their recent conversation with Kane. The exchange had left him oddly exhilarated, his mind replaying Kane's words and his infectious grin.

As he settled beneath the comforting weight of his blanket, Babar couldn't shake off the lingering warmth that seemed to radiate from his skin. His thoughts wandered back to Kane, his grin etched vividly in his mind's eye.

Suddenly, the tranquility of the night was shattered by the shrill ring of his phone, the caller ID displaying an unfamiliar number. "Hey?" Babar answered, his voice laced with curiosity and a hint of confusion.

Instead of a response, all he heard was panting and gasping on the other end. Babar's heart quickened as realization dawned – it was Saim.


Babar's heart pounded against his chest like a drum as he sprinted down the hallway towards Saim's room. Anxiety gnawed at his insides, fueling his desperate need to reach Saim as quickly as possible. The tiled floor chilled his bare feet, but he hardly noticed, his mind consumed by thoughts of Saim's well-being.

Ignoring the curious glances of passersby in the hallway, Babar dashed forward with reckless abandon. His worry for Saim overshadowed any concern for social norms or decorum. All that mattered was getting to Saim's side.

Finally, he arrived at Saim's door. Without hesitation, he pushed it open, relief flooding through him as he saw Saim inside.

Babar's relief evaporated instantly as he took in the sight of Saim, huddled on the bed, his chest heaving with ragged breaths. Panic clenched at Babar's own heart as he realized the severity of the situation. Without a second thought, he rushed to Saim's side, his own worry momentarily forgotten.

"Saim, what's wrong?" Babar's voice trembled with concern as he reached out to gently touch Saim's shoulder.

Saim's eyes, wide with fear, met Babar's gaze, tears streaming down his cheeks. His fist unclenched slightly as he struggled to regain control of his breathing.

"I-I can't... breathe," Saim gasped between shallow breaths, his words choked with emotion.

Babar's heart sank at the sight of his friend in distress. He knew he had to act quickly to help Saim through this overwhelming panic attack. Gathering all his resolve, Babar spoke in a calm, soothing tone.

"It's okay, Saim. I'm here with you. Let's take slow, deep breaths together, okay? In... and out," Babar coached, demonstrating the deep breathing technique as he spoke.

With Babar's guidance, Saim gradually began to regulate his breathing, the tension in his body slowly easing. As the panic attack subsided, Saim's breathing steadied, and the color returned to his cheeks.

Babar's heart ached at the sight of Saim's tears, but he remained steadfast in his determination to comfort his friend. As Saim's breathing gradually evened out, Babar settled beside him on the bed, gently cradling Saim's head against his chest.

"It's okay, Saim," Babar murmured soothingly, his voice a gentle reassurance amidst the turmoil. "You're okay now. I'm right here with you."

He continued to murmur words of comfort, his tone soft and steady, like a guiding beacon in the darkness. "It was just a bad dream. You're safe now. I won't leave your side."

"It wasn't just a dream." Saim replied, fear evident in his eyes.

Babar's heart constricted at Saim's words, realizing that whatever had caused Saim such distress was more than just a nightmare. He tightened his grip on Saim, offering silent support as his friend's tears flowed once more, dampening the fabric of his shirt.

"I'm here, Saim," Babar whispered, his voice laced with concern and determination. "Whatever it is, you don't have to face it alone. I'll be by your side, no matter what."

Saim's sobs echoed in the room, a testament to the depth of his pain and fear. But Babar remained a steadfast presence, offering strength and comfort in the face of uncertainty.

"We'll get through this together," Babar vowed, his words a solemn promise. "You're not alone, Saim. I'm here for you, always."

As Saim's tears slowly faded and his cries softened into gentle sobs, exhaustion washed over him like a tidal wave. He nestled closer to Babar, seeking solace in his comforting embrace, until finally, the rhythmic rise and fall of Babar's chest lulled him into a peaceful slumber.

Babar felt the tension drain from Saim's body as he succumbed to sleep, his breaths growing steady and even against Babar's chest. With a tender smile, Babar buried his nose in Saim's hair.

As Saim slept soundly in his arms, Babar closed his eyes, allowing himself to drift into a peaceful slumber.


As Saim slowly roused from his slumber, he became aware of a comforting weight on his chest. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, he found himself face to face with Babar, his cheeks warming at the intimacy of their proximity. Determined to savor the moment a little longer, Saim feigned sleep, relishing the sensation of Babar's presence beside him.

But his hopes of lingering in this blissful state were dashed when Babar stirred awake, his hand gently tousling Saim's hair. The simple gesture sent a jolt of electricity down Saim's spine, causing him to shudder involuntarily. "You're up?" Babar's soft voice broke the tranquil silence of the room.

"Mmm," Saim mumbled, pretending to still be half-asleep, not yet ready to let go of the closeness they shared. "Okay then, mind if I go back to my room?" Babar inquired, his tone filled with a tenderness that made Saim's heart flutter.

Though every fiber of his being screamed for Babar to stay, to prolong their time together, Saim forced himself to reply in a sleepy murmur, "Yeah, it's okay. You can leave." Inside, however, a part of him yearned for Babar to linger, to continue basking in the warmth of their connection. Yet, responsibilities beckoned, reminding Saim of the approaching match day and the need to prepare. So, with a heavy heart masked by feigned nonchalance, he watched as Babar reluctantly rose from the bed, silently longing for the moment when they could be together again.


In the midst of the series, Saim found solace in the growing bond with Babar. Each day, their connection deepened, leaving Saim longing for Babar's presence even in his absence. The warmth of Babar's smile filled Saim's heart, and the gentle touch of his hand sent shivers down his spine. Despite the fear of his burgeoning feelings, Saim couldn't deny the pull he felt towards Babar.

Meanwhile, Babar cherished Saim like a younger brother, their time together in Australia forging an unbreakable bond. However, as the series in Australia drew to a close, Babar's excitement mounted for the upcoming home series in New Zealand. His heart raced at the thought of reuniting with Kane, the love of his life, eagerly anticipating their reunion.


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