[S] Karkat and Dave: Have A Sleepover!

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==> Be Karkat.

Now that I'm standing outside Dave's door with a backpack and a rolled up sleeping bag in my arms, I'm feeling pretty fucking stupid.
John told me to come here. I figured he would be at Gam's dorm party, but then I see through the tall windows of his bedroom enough to know Dave is sitting at his computer typing away on Pesterchum. I knock on the door a bit cautiously, peering over to the driveway to make sure his Bro isn't home. Only Dave's car is in the driveway. Good.

When Dave takes his sweet time answering the door, I'm going over the ridiculous stream of texts John sent me to get me to come here to begin with. Whatever though, this is better than the mall, after all.

EB: hi karkat! i was just reading the group chat and it looks like youre not wanting to join in on the fun with gamzee and his party supplies, whatever that means..
EB: so if you want, i know daves home so you should spend the night there
EB: i mean his other home the one with his bro
EB: dont worry if you feel like youre intruding on him or anything silly like that because i promise he wants to hang out with you :)
EB: oh yeah... classes start at the mall tomorrow.. i guess since campus and the mall are the only locations in this universe they have limited room for teaching after vriska bombed our school >_<
EB: so annoying! why does everything she does have to be destructive and evil and batshit crazy?
EB: anyway, daves not doing anything. hes probably sitting at his computer drinking apple juice and listening to watsky or something. he told me himself he doesnt have any plans
EB: so have fun with him! let me know how it goes

I almost want to turn around and step off his porch when he doesn't answer fast enough, but I work up the courage to wait for him.

Fucking Strider... He opens the door and lets out a surprised "oh", like he didn't expect to see me, which leads me to believe John invited me over without telling him (which would be pretty fucking typical of Egbert).

"H-hey," I manage, rubbing the back of my arm. I can't help but blush. I've never spent the night at a crush's house before. If he is my crush. I don't want to disclose anything on the matter right now.

He chuckles a bit, waving for me to come in.
"I've never been to your place without it full of our intoxicated dickhead friends." I tell him as I walk in and take a look around the quiet place. It feels homey. Dave keeps his house fairly neat and organized, even the copious amount of ironic puppets his Bro keeps are propped on shelves hung on the walls.

"John sent you here, didn't he?" he asks me as I set my backpack on the couch and he moves a blanket out of the way so I can sit down. "He shouldn't be inviting people over for me..." he mumbles in vague annoyance. I suddenly feel like a nuisance.

"Fine, I'll just go sleep outside the mall then." I remark, grabbing for my backpack again.

Dave seems alarmed as he tells me no and takes my backpack from my hands and puts it back in its corner of the couch.

"No, Karkles, it's fine. It's dangerous to sleep outside when we don't know for sure if our group is all of civilization yet."

"Isn't it obvious it is? You drive a ten minute loop around and you've explored this whole fuckin' world." I argue, kicking off my shoes and then my socks so I can bring my legs to my chest.

"I don't know, I have this weird feeling about this. Like something's really off about this whole situation." he confides in me, sitting on the other side of the couch, on the opposite end of me. Why did he have to sit so far away?

"Dave we have had this conversation a million times." I hug my knees. "But we're no Sherlock Holmes... Do you have any weed?"

"Nah, why don't we just get fucked up on whip its?" Dave says in a calm, composed way with a straight face.

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