Conversation with Narayan

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after karna died, he was given a seat with adityas in heaven but he wanted to meet lord Narayan, his idol and master. 

Karna knew meet lord Narayan and his avatar krishna and parashuram was totally different. 

Because the god doesn't care if we worship or not and moreover it was the smartest godhead of higher gods. Lord narayan doesn't even come hear anyone who has not of adharma.

While karna did sins like laughing at draupadi in her worst situation and being a failed advisor to duryodhan. 

Karna gulped because he knew lord Narayan will take his test. 

Karna did penance of lord Narayan but surprisingly lord Narayan came to him in 2 days. 

Karna bowed and fell in the feet of lord Narayan, who smiled mischievous. 

Karna: greetings! Oh Lord of universe! 

Narayan: what do you want karna? 

Karna: lord you know everything but please answer my question why did you appear in front of me in just 2 days ? 

Narayan: *chuckles* oh right question you do know I don't do anything without a motive behind and this is not the right time to reveal it. Yes, I do know what you will ask but before that you need to clarify your doubts.

Karna: Lord what was my aim that I was born on earth?

Narayan: to help me in my goal of vanishing the kshatriya clan in dwapar yug . Because of that goal you conquered many kingdoms and did digvijay Yatra and vrought the kshatriya in th war and arjun killed most of them. Your aim was to be medium of my goal.

Karna stayed silent for a while .

Narayan: won't you ask a boon karna? 

Karna: lord my boon might interrupt the reason you took Krishna avatar! How will I ask such boon? 

Narayan: karna you wanted a chance to have normal life, I will grant you this boon but it won'tbe reality but a dream of yours. *smiling mischievously* 

Karna: that's why you are called the smartest godhead of higher gods lord as you wish please grant me this boon.

Lord narayan: as you wish *disappeared *

Lord narayan: sorry karn for deceiving you .

Lord shiv: hmmm 

Lord narayan: why are you humming maha-*seeing that nobody is there* shiv 

Lord shiv: narayan though I take avatars only to spread knowledge unlike you who takes avatar to balance the good and evil. This time I felt I should incarnate as karn. 

Lord narayan: and why did you choose karn? 

Lord shiv: because he most dharmi and most adharmi, he loses every fight yet everyone is behind making him vulnerable, like duality like mine. I am darkness but my eyes are like sun, I have both fire and water, poison and exlir. I am white skinned and yet have purple aura. 

Lord narayan: fine shiv and I am happy you will be there with me not as my bhakt, though he is very special but as my other half (not in romantic way).

Lord shiv: yes we will be together my other half.

Then karna slept for years as his dream was starting. In reality lord shiva merged his small part of conciousness in karna.

Lord parashuram was near the banks of river and suddenly an baby was floating on river and suddenly parashuram jumped in to save the child and took him in his ashram. 

Parashuram knew this child was an avatar of his guru mahadev and was his future student but how did the circumstances change? 

Anyway he was happy to have his gurudev with him. 

Suddenly, lord shiva appeared in front of parashuram and the time was stopped. 

Parashuram: greetings gurudev 

Lord shiv: listen parashuram none should know that vasusen is my avatar 

Parashuram: but gurudev shouldn't vasusen be born with kunti with suryadev's blessings and before 11 years now kunti's swayamwar is started why did sudden change of events happen? 

Lord shiv: it's just that I have decided to take avatar and no one other than narayan and his all avatars except 8 &9 know and yes even my own avatar doesn't know him being my avatar. 

Lord shiv tells everything to lord parashuram what happened and also informs that vasusen doesn't have any memory of anything. 

Lord parashuram: will circumstances change lord? 

Lord shiv: no parashuram but yes vasusen won't be involved in the war. 

Authors note: how was the story, I am big fan of harihara and they are the main characters here. 

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