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Authors note: as an writer of this book I ask you readers to take this book as fictional not real. I didn't mean to hurt any traditional sentiments as our shastras don't permit homosexual marriage and I accept it. Why am I doing this is ? For plot purposes, the reason for this marriage is for plot purpose which will be revealed in the end of story. I may clear that war will happen and yes vasusen won't be involved in the war nor have any relations with kuru. As this story focuses on Krishn and vasusen, this story will show their bond and how their relationship developed. For me the one who suffered most of lord krishn in Mahabharata but he never complained about his problems which is trait I admire and wish to be like. Enjoy the story. 

Balram who was fainted woke up. 

An courtier: dwarkadish it's impossible. An male and an eunuch can never marry it's against the shastras. 

Krishn: then I won't marry anyone other than gopeshwar.(hope gopeshwar plan works and they stop persuading me for marriage for now) 

Balram: but.. (Even he wanted krishn to marry suddenly got an idea) okay kahna you can marry gopeshwar but in secrecy and yes after that you have to marry an princess. (Naive who didn't understand until krishn gave him a look and realised he made a mistake) 

courtiers : yes, yes we agree 

Krishn gave an exhausted sign he wanted to be in vridhavan now. While gopeshwar aka vasusen didn't give a damn he seriously didn't care for him marriage was not important. (Influence of parashuram).

After an hour, 

In secrecy their marriage happened, which was not relevant to both of them who didn't care for this marriage. 

(Authors note: this marriage doesn't matter for them. As a king, krishn has to fulfill his subjects wish and vasusen had no interest he just had an urge to help krishn he himself doesn't know why and now he has gained upper hand to make alliance with dwarka according to his father's wish.)

After The marriage, 

Gopeshwar decided to leave dwarka as he had enough of drama don't what he has be next. He succeeded in making alliance with dwarka so he just want to leave and want to meet krishn for last time. 

Gopeshwar asked a maid to bring dasi in his room. After krishn arrived,

Gopeshwar: so won't you help in removing your dress up dwarkadish 

Krishn signed and helped to remove the clothes and jewellery. After that gopeshwar dressed in his usual clothes. 

Gopeshwar aka vasusen: my name is vasusen also know as secret magadhraj 

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Gopeshwar aka vasusen: my name is vasusen also know as secret magadhraj 

Krishn smiled he expected it. 

Vasusen: son of lord parashuram 

Krishn was shocked he didn't expect this. 

Vasusen: my father wanted to make alliance with you but after knowing you I can tell it's not easy for me to convince you but I didn't expect that our marriage will help me in this alliance. 

Krishn: our marriage is meaningless neither I nor you have anything 

Vasusen: same but it was pleasure to meet you dwarkadish *He hugs krishn *

Krishn shocked and returns the hug, both felt that they knew each other for ages. 

Both parted and smiled at each other what an interesting way they bonded. 

Vasusen: would be pleasure to meet you in future krishn because I have come to know that you are cheerful and jolly outside but calculative inside. 

Krishn: same here vasusen an introvert like you will surely attract people like me. 

After that vasusen truth was known to dwarka royals and was kept in secrecy for the alliance and vasusen left dwarka and reached mahendragiri parvat to meet his father. 

Authors note: many might think how can krishn accept vasusen if he was his son like then no he has not accepted the marriage and second they might be related in spiritually but not physicallybecause both parashuram and krishn are not blood related. Even in spiritually it won't matter because they won't have any relationships. 

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