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"Who the fuck is he?"
He glances at the class and introduces himself as our teacher. "I am Shota Aizawa, your home room teacher." Must be a good teacher if he's still working at U.A. He looks like a fucking dinosaur. "Enough chitter chatter, let's go over the school and classroom expectations. U.A is not like your average school, us teachers can do what we want to our students however we see fit." The class begins to whisper to each other. "That means we can expel you without having to provide a specific reason to the principal so you better be on your best behavior." He continues.

I look over his physique and chosen outfit. His almond eyes glance at the class from time to time and his long black hair looks as it needs to be brushed. A scarf around his neck and baggy clothes to complete his look. His posture a bit leaned forward. I feel like I recognize him but I have no clue where from. Where have I seen this man? "Y/N." He calls. "Y/N!" "Oh uhm, yeah?" I reply, shook out of my daydreaming as his voice booms across the room. Not looking good on me. "Pay attention instead of daydreaming." He demands. "Sorry Sensei, I'm a bit tired." "No excuses, you should've went to bed earlier."

He announces to the class that we will be doing an exam in the back field. He leads us out the class and towards the back of U.A where the field is.

Aizawa x FEM!Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now