~The Exam~

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We do some exercises and then it's time for the final exercise. "You are to throw the ball as far as you can using your quirk. Allow Bakugo to demonstrate." He hands the Bakugo boy a ball and he throws it while activating his quirk to blow it further. So that's who the pomeranian is...

Everybody throws the ball and now it's my turn. I step up and take the ball from Aizawa's hand and throw it as far as I could, activating my quirk after releasing. My quirk causes the ball to flutter to the sky and zoom fast out of sight. "Bring it back..." Aizawa groans as I command for it to stop and it zips back, handing it to Aizawa after it plops into my hand. "You're welcome." You say and skip to the back of the crowd of kids.

A brown haired girl comes up to me. "Wow that was so cool! Your quirk is like mine! I'm Ochaco by the way, nice to meet you!" She says with a sweet tone. "Hey, thanks. I'm Y/N." I reply. "A fucking quirk that ain't as flashy as mine." Bakugo muttered. "What was that? You need a ride?" I ask, teasing him. "Oi you extra, you aren't cool with your useless quirk." He retorts. "Hmm but I can send anything anywhere at a fast speed." I sneer. This kid really is fully of himself.

Aizawa hands us our dorm keys one by one, me being the last since he went from the front row to the back. His hand is quite soft... I think as he hands me my dorm key, his fingers brushing against mine. Didn't know men could have such smooth skin... Normally the skin is all dry and cracked.. but his.. his are- "Y/N." He snapped, waking me from my space out. I was staring at his hand while my hand held onto the key without a grip. "Sorry Sensei." I apologized and bowed politely. Soft....

Aizawa x FEM!Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now