Chapter 5

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I will say after that, my legs ached but no one suspected a thing.

I sat on one of the party tables until I smelled a rotting stench on one of the animatronics.
I ignored it, but shortly a parent came up to me.
"Hello, miss, but I've got a nasty feeling, a stench in one of the animatronics, it smells like a decaying corpse.." She looked at me and I tilted my head.
"Let me have a look later on, is that alright?" I said and she nodded.
"I just want to make sure none of the children notice, you know, those little buggers always being curious - not ever knowing what shit they get into. And especially after that incident with Foxy. He's out of order now, isn't he?" She asked and I nodded, the memories of that horrible night flooding back to me.
"Yeah, he is. His jaw is broken, ill have to fix him sometime."

"But don't you think he should be scrapped? As you know.. you tried to stop but failed." She looked at me with a sort of sour face.
"After all, you basically have the blood on your hands, you couldve done better.." this comment made me angry.
"Excuse me, but who the fuck do you think you're talking to, telling an 18 year old who tried to save someone's life, that its entirely THEIR fault? I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you, but you should get that checked. Are you broken in the head?" I shouted pretty loudly, and Henry pulled me back into his office, shutting the door behind me and pinning me to the wall.
"Hey! Who do you think you are shouting at our lovely customers like that? Calm down!" He told me, William was sitting in the corner watching it all unfold. I looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Is it my fault she's saying that the incident was my fault? No way in fucking hell, brother!"
I shouted in his ear
He slapped me, leaving a red mark on my cheek. Tears started to stream out of my eyes.
He screamed again.
"STOP it!" His grip on my wrists started to ache.
"You're hurting me!" I cried.
"Good, you need some discipline. Do you know how to talk to your own brother? You need to learn!" He growled.
Before I could respond in a rude manner, William pulled Henry off of me and shielded me. "Hey! Henry, calm down. She's doing nothing but protecting herself for God's sake!" He said calmly.

"Well she should learn how to respect her own brother!" He responded blatantly without a good enough reason.
William shoved me out of the room, locking the door behind me as I was left in the party room. I eavesdropping and heard them both arguing in the other room loudly.
I sighed, and I saw Charlotte, she ran up to me for a big hug.
"Hiya Char!" I kissed her on the forehead and picked her up onto my hip.
"Hey, would you like a sleepover at auntie Syd's house today?" I smiled
She nodded enthusiastically and we ran out of the pizza place so Henry didn't notice. I got the keys to my abandoned cold car which was left for a few days and hopped in, I put a carseat in the front of the car, the passenger seat and buckled her in. "Hold on tight!" I told her, and then we zoomed off in the car. Because I was clueless and oblivious that I was speeding, we were pulled over by the 'coppers.'

"Hello. Mrs Emily, is it?" Said the officer; I didn't trust him that much, he looked pretty weird.
"Yes, it is." I responded. And he tilted his head with his notebook and pen.
"Well, Mrs Emily, you were going over the speed limit of 40 and you were going about, 60?"
He said and I let out a fake, nervous laugh.
"Oh.. oh really? I'm sorry, I didn't notice."
He shrugged. "Im pretty sure you damn did." He tried to reach in to grab me and I slapped him.
"Get the fuck off of me, you creep!" I shouted, and he shouted back at me. "Assaulting a police officer!"

A few minutes after that he touched me harshly, sexually assaulting me. The worst part is that Charlotte was watching. All of it.
I sobbed as I drove off. "Why the fuck did that happen to me?" I sobbed.
Charlotte tried to comfort me by putting a tiny hand on my lap and trying to pull my hair for comfort.
We arrived to my house, and yet his touch wouldn't scrub off. Nevermind how many times I washed myself with a cloth.

"Ring ring!" Went the housephone. "Ring ring!"
It was Henry.


"Sydney, why the fuck didn't you tell me that you got pulled over? You're literally so useless!

Oh sorry, didn't they mention that I got sexually assaulted by the same officer that pulled me over?

"I don't believe that. Stop trying to cover up with excuses. You also took Charlotte!

"She'd much rather stay with me, asshole!"

I hung up on him, and then another caller showed up. "William Afton."

"Oh great." I sighed, answering the call.

"You got pulled over, love?"


"Well done, I'm proud of you!"

"Not to mention the police officer touched me, and Henry didn't even believe me.

"Why would he ever believe you, honey? You 'lied' to him about me killing children and he didn't give two shits.

"Yeah, so? He's just being an asshole this week, he's on his period."

William laughed through the phone.

"He always is. Anyways, I'm coming over, you better be wet for me before I come over!"

He laughed again.

"But Char-"

He cut me off by hanging up.

I looked to Charlotte peacefully playing with her Bonnie Plush.
"Hey, Uncle Williams coming over."
I spoke, and her attention immediately shifted and looked quite afraid.

"Oh.. I'll just go to bed, auntie." She said, and ran upstairs to her room.
"Oh, okay then." I shrugged it off as she was tired, maybe.

A few minutes passed.
"Knock knock!" Someone knocked on the door.
When I opened the door, William was there and he bowed to me.
"Hello, dearest." Like old times sake he barged in past me, and sat on the couch while I shut the door.
"SIR, you can't just barge in here without me letting you in first."
I narrowed my eyes defiantly.
"Are you questioning my ways, dearest? You don't know what I'm capable of, I can do what I want." He smirked, his golden brown hair shining in the sun that shone through the window.

I was ready to put him in his place.
"Oh really? Just because we had a one night stand you think that you're the boss, aye?"

I hissed and his face went dark, he got up from his seat and got closer to me, gripping my wrists above my head and pinning me to the door.
"Well of course. I did that to gain your trust and respect."
I looked down to the ground and he growled, gripping my chin and pulling it back to face him forcefully.
"Fucking look at me! Don't look away." He looked me up and down.
"What makes you think you earned it, child murderer?" I spat.
He seemed to go pale, angrily slapping me.

He got close to my ear and whispered menacingly. "Don't forget who you're talking to." His hold on my wrists were getting tighter. "I'm not so gentle."
Tears flooded out of my eyes. "Please stop, you're hurting me." I said, and he raised his brows, his grip loosening.
"Sorry, dearest. Sometimes you just need a little punishment, to put you in your place. And don't forget, I do respect you but sometimes you're too bratty for your own good." He kissed me on the forehead and walked out of the house and into his car.

"Bye..?" That was a very strange encounter.


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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 05 ⏰

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Echoes Of Laughter - William A X S.E (OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang