chapter two

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The boy he bumped into yesterday was Lee Minho?!

Ms Kim had already begun her lesson and started going over the content they'd be studying for junior year. Jisung was taking notes down in his notebook but his mind was partly clouded due to the fact that it was Minho he'd run into just the day prior. And it was even harder that he was now sitting to the latter now in their class.

The boy must have found it so striking because he'd never seen Minho outside of school, especially in his own clothes. He distinctly remembers what the dark brown haired boy had worn just yesterday: black jeans and a dark green hoodie. Now he was back in school wearing their school uniform: black trousers, a white polo long sleeve shirt that he'd left untucked and rolled the sleeves up, revealing partially, his flawless pale arms. Tied loosely around his neck was his navy blue and lighter blue stripped tie and his black blazer was on his chair. 

Jisung tried to avert his gaze away from the enigmatic Minho beside him and focus on what Ms Kim was saying. Which was almost impossible to do because the older boy's beauty was so captivating and alluring. Still, he managed to draw his attention away and get back to his work.

But near the end of the lesson, something in Jisung urged himself to look in Minho's direction even though he was trying to resist that urge. Eventually, he gave in to that desperate urge and peaked up from his school work and discreetly looked at Minho. The older boy, who, seemed to be oblivious to the fact that someone was staring at him, had his attention fixed on his notebook and was writing the content that Ms Kim was announcing to the class.

Under those strands of dark brown locks, Jisung caught a glimpse of them again. Those beautiful, crimson eyes. The ones that were illuminated into the beautiful rays of the setting sun, the ones that Jisung couldn't get out of his head the night before. They were such a pretty shade of red that altogether, they made Minho's beauty appear ethereal. 

At some point, Minho looked up from his work while Jisung had lost himself in a state of deep admiration. Minho noticed this and usually, he would've snapped at anyone staring at him or glared at them harshly, but something inside him argued against the typical approach he usually took. So instead, he whispered, just loud enough for Jisung to hear, "You know it's rude to stare, right?"

Jisung gasped a little under his breath and immediately looked away. Luckily, they were on the left side of the room, so no one noticed, but still, Jisung felt like he'd made a massive idiot of himself. He then quietly replied "Sorry." and continued writing down what Ms Kim wrote on the board. He always focused in English because it was one of his favourite subjects and nothing ever distracted him. He was beginning to wonder if that all had changed because of some boy he found hot.

A light tap on his back made him turn his head to the left and he saw Felix smirking at him and raising his eyebrow playfully. Jisung rolled his eyes and at the exact second he did that, the lesson had finished. Ms Kim bid the class farewell and then left. They now had science and then they had a morning break and honestly, Jisung couldn't be happier. He only had to endure for one more hour with Minho and then he could run outside for freedom. 

Science had gone quicker than expected and Jisung and his friends were now sitting outside on the grass near the school. The sun was shining and it was pretty warm so they'd taken their hoodies and blazers off. Jisung knew from the look that Felix gave him earlier that the latter had seen it all, smelt something was going on and was expecting an explanation.

"Alright, come on, hyung. Spill." Felix announced as soon as the four friends had sat on the grass, and Seungmin and Jeongin both looked confused as hell. "I saw how you were acting in English around Minho and I wanna know why. What's happening?" Now, the other two looked intrigued and stared at Jisung for that expected explanation.

Groaning, Jisung sat up straighter while taking one of his headphones out and turning his music off. "Fine." He couldn't really believe that he was admitting that it was Minho that he'd run into yesterday and that he didn't even recognise him. Totally not forgetting what he'd thought about the older's eyes. "Minho was the one I ran into yesterday."

Jeongin widened his eyes and stopped slurping from his apple juice "What?"

"The person I ran into yesterday was Minho." Jisung repeated for emphasis and he hoped that this was a confession that didn't bear repeating. Something about knowing that it wasn't a stranger was kinda embarrassing.

"And you didn't recognise him? He's not exactly new to the world, you know?" Seungmin answered back with a sassy tone very present in his voice. It was quite shocking to Seungmin that they were already in junior year and his best friend hadn't really pictured what some of their classmates looked like in their own clothes.

"He was in his own clothes, he didn't look the same." Jisung defended his actions even though it didn't really have much effect. The first hand embarrassment was killing him.

"But...he looked hot?" Jeongin smirked and went back to sipping from his apple juice and the two other boys laughed in amusement. "Especially with those crimson eyes?" 

"I'm not lying, you know. They aren't brown, they actually are crimson." Jisung replied and his friends clearly weren't convinced but they were really stunned; not by the fact that their friend thought some boy's eyes were an unnatural colour, more by the fact how Minho responded.

Minho and his friends, Chan, Hyunjin and Changbin were all described as really hot, but their personalities told a different story. They were all said to be really unfeeling and cold and didn't have any friends outside of their friend group. While Jisung and the others were total polar opposites: bright, vivid, compassionate and literal balls of energy and liveliness. Felix and Seungmin heard a bit more from other students about the enigmatic group of boys, and there was something about them that just made them stand out.

The only question was: what was it?

"You know, hyung. I'm kind of surprised about how Minho acted to you. That was really something." Felix said while lying on Seungmin, who was sitting cross legged on the grass. Jisung furrowed his brow in confusion and was quite confused "What do you mean?", and at that Felix raised his head from Seungmin's knee.

"I was expecting him to snap at you or something. Minho hates unwanted attention. I wonder why he was all gentle with you." Felix replied and instantly lay back down on Seungmin's leg, brushing his blonde hair out of his face, that had the sun shining down on him, highlighting all his features, and in particular, his freckles that were like a spray of stars sprinkled on his face. He then went to his bag and connected his headphones to his airpods and started listening to You're the one that I want by Loving Caliber. 

That question wasn't just for Jisung. The rest of the others all wondered why one of the coldest boys in school acted so surprisingly calm to their friend and there were so many questions that they wanted answers to. Was this just a one off? Are the others also really calm and gentle? Would this become something more serious?

Jisung decided to just forget about how Minho acted in English, even though the memory had become forged in his mind. Why didn't he snap at me? Why wasn't he harsh? Jisung wondered in his mind. He distinctly remembered that Minho didn't have a cold tone when he was making it aware that he was staring. "You know it's rude to stare, right?" He was being rude or harsh. He was saying it so calmly - like it was just a fact. Still, he asked Felix for one of his airpods and began to read his book while laying on the fake grass. He immediately lost himself in the tunes of the song and he began to hum to the song while flicking the pages of his book.

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